Chapter 3: Knockin' Da Boots

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**play Knockin' Da Boots by H-Town when you see (*) for a better read


(*) play song

Brooklyn- New York

Lauren was the epitome of confidence and allure as she lounged shirtless on the bed, exuding an air of superiority that could make even the boldest blush. With a physique sculpted by the gods themselves, Lauren's sharp features and emerald eyes seemed to dare anyone to challenge her. She knew the power she held, not just in her impeccable good looks, but in the sizable endowment between her legs.

Lauren was known for breaking hearts like fragile glass sculptures with her 10-inch gift from the heavens. The model walked to stand before the mirror, a confident smirk playing on her lips as she looked at herself in the mirror. Her short black hair framed her face, exuding a slightly masculine energy that only added to her allure. As Lauren stood admiring her chiseled physique, she commanded Camila to worship at the altar of her prowess, forcing her to submit to her every whim.

"Come here, darling," Lauren purred, her green eyes smoldering with a predatory gleam. Camila approached, a mix of nervous anticipation and undeniable attraction swirling in her gaze. Camila was a vision of curves and grace, as she stood  before Lauren, her doe eyes wide with anticipation, an hourglass figure could make any sculptor weep with jealousy. She found herself in the clutches of Lauren's overpowering presence, shuddering when she felt Lauren's hands wandering over her body, groping at her ass and breasts.

"You know, Camila, I love the way you look at me," Lauren's voice dripped with confidence as she placed her hands on Camila's ass cheeks. "But tonight, I want you to worship me in a different way."

Camila's breath hitched as Lauren's hands trailed down her body, igniting a shiver that ran through her.

"Let me show you what it means to be under my spell," Lauren's tone was commanding, her fingers tracing over Camila's skin with purpose. With a swagger in her step and a wicked glint in her green eyes, Lauren circled Camila like a predator eyeing its prey, reveling in the power she held over the singer.

"You know you want this," Lauren's voice dripped with confidence.

Camila, her body trembling with excitement and a hint of fear, could only nod in agreement as Lauren's ego swelled to ungodly proportions. As Lauren pulled her pants down, she felt a surge of dominance over the famous singer. "You ready, darling?" Lauren purred, her voice dripping with smug satisfaction as she returned to standing in front of the mirror at the foot of her bed.

With a sudden, almost rough motion, Lauren guided Camila to her knees, a smirk tugging at the corners of her lips as she watched the singer's eyes widen in surprise. Lauren took control, guiding Camila to her knees with an authoritative hand. With a cocky grin, Lauren watched Camila land on her knees, watching with satisfaction as the singer succumbed to her desires, each movement a symphony of dominance. "Take them off," she purred, grunting lowly and clenching her teeth when she felt Camila's hands graze her engorged cock as she pulled down her boxers.

"Open wide, sweetheart," Lauren's voice was low, a sultry undertone weaving through her words as she pressed against Camila's lips with her hardness, demanding submission. And with a soft gasp, Camila complied, her lips parting to accommodate Lauren's impressive size. The singer's eyes widened as she took in every inch, a mixture of shock and desire swirling in her gaze as she felt her mouth stretching wide around Lauren's girth.

"Good girl," Lauren purred, reveling in the control she held over the once-confident Camila, who had now been reduced to a mere instrument of pleasure in her skilled hands. Moans and whimpers filled the room, a symphony of pleasure as Lauren reveled in the control she held over Camila, thrusting harshly into her mouth while she held her head still.

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