Chapter 18: Daddy

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A/N: bet you bitches weren't expecting that revelation in the last chapter. Anyways...

Trigger Warning: there will be mentions of sex trafficking, child exploitation and drug abuse

**play Daddy by Korn (short version) when you see (*) for a better read.     


Dragging her feet towards her makeup artist, Lauren threw herself into the makeup chair, scratching at her chest tiredly. She'd spent the whole night on the phone with Camila, seeing as the small brunette didn't want her to go home and clung to her like a monkey when she dropped her off at her front door.

Yawning loudly, Lauren closed her eyes while the blonde girl, Tracey, or something, was patting at her face. "Sorry," She whispered when Lauren winced.

"Can you like... relax? That shit hurts."

"Lauren... it's a sponge." Stacey giggled, holding Lauren's face in her palm. She frowned when Lauren moved away and sat up straight. "What, you don't want me touching you now that you've got yourself a lil girlfriend? Yeah, don't act so surprised, it was all over the TMZ."

Lauren sighed loudly, annoyed that it was already out. Why the fuck couldn't things just remain private? She rolled her eyes exasperatedly, and moved to take her shirt off, leaving herself in a black tank top. "Just, hurry up please. The quicker we get this done, the quicker I can fuck off out of here."

Casey sucked her teeth and continued applying the light makeup on Lauren's face, annoyed that the act of her pulling her shirt down to show more cleavage didn't even make Lauren bat an eyelid. "So... you and the girlfriend? You guys serious?"

"Bitch, what's it to you?"

"Well, the last time you saw me, you fucked me in this room. In fact, I'm pretty sure I gave you head in this chair right here."

"What's your point?"

"My point is," She purred, walking her fingers up Lauren's shoulder. "Is that you should let yourself loose. You seem so tense. If your girlfriend not doing her job properly?"

"My girlfriend is fucking me just fine, thanks for the concern. The only thing you should be worried about is getting a proper top. Your tits are spilling out of that one, and that's not very classy." Lauren smiled sarcastically, before winking at a shocked Macy. She pushed past her to stand up and walk into the room.

When she saw that the crew and photographers were here, she lifted her hands to praise the Lord.
She smiled when she saw Paul, and walked up to greet up. "What's up, Paul. Long time no see."

"Same to you. You good? I heard from Nina that you and Camila are finally together? Congrats!"

"I know man. I'm actually proud of myself. I actually had the balls to admit that I like her." Lauren grinned, before smirking at Paul. "Anyway... what's going on with you and Nina? She's like... glowing. The dick must be good." She cackled when Paul blushed, slapping his shoulder.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. I actually saw Camila this morning when I picked Nina up, and she looked happy. I bet you're dicking her down right, huh?"

"Actually, we didn't have sex last night. But we will today!" She said cheekily, smiling mischievously while Paul laughed.

"Actually, you may have to cut that short, you've got a couple meetings in New York,"

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