Chapter 19: Hurt

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A/N: this will be a heavy but short chapter... so read with caution

**play Hurt by Nine Inch Nails when you see (*) for a better read

Trigger Warning: mentions of rape, child abuse, murder, pedophilia and drug abuse


(*) play song

(Flashback) Last Night

"Come on Lauren. Otherwise we'll have to do, what we do to people who disobey Brunel. He's your best friend right now. So... are you going to obey. Or are you going to go home to your girlfriend in a casket?"

Her vision blurred with tears, Lauren panted, glowering at the woman to stood before her, taunting her with a wicked smirk. Wiping her eyes and face, she slowly stood up straight, her bottom lip trembling while she avoiding looking at the sobbing children, her stomach churning at what she knew was inevitable. "Laurennnnn," The woman sang, walking towards her and grabbing her face harshly, forcing her to look ahead. "Take your pick."

Lauren shakily exhaled, shaking her head in protest. "No," She croaked, wiping her nose. "I'm not doing it. You can kill me now. I don't care. I'm not touching no child."

The woman simply laughed, looking back at the other women and mocking her. "Awww, well, that's too bad. Your good friend Ian already signed the contract. You belong to us now. So you do as we say, or we will make you wish, you were dead."

When Lauren remained in place, the woman, who Lauren came to learn was called Sylvia, grabbed her by her arm and dragged her across the room, easily overpowering her due to the drugs coursing through Lauren's vein. She struggled to remain calm when she came face-to-face with the children, averting her gaze when they begged her to help them. She could tell they had been drugged, their tiny bodies trembled and their eyes were red and glazed over. They were covered in blood, what seemed to be faeces, and vomit. Their wrists and ankles were bruised due to the chains that held them down, and Lauren choked back a sob when she realised they were naked.

"Please... don't make me do this," Lauren begged, her words slurred, struggling to maintain her consciousness. She slid forward, falling flat on her face and curling into a ball, sobbing uncontrollably. "Please,"

"Don't forget, Lauren. We own you now."


Beverly Hills

Startling awake, Lauren jumped out of bed in fright, punching the face she felt resting against the top of her head. She shivered uncontrollably, choking on her sobs when she realised it was dark, and she couldn't see anything. She held onto the bed, frantically looking around for the perceived threat, her heart practically breaking through her ribcage.

"Ouch! Lauren!" She heard a familiar voice growl, and felt herself calm down almost immediately at the sound of Zayn's mellow voice. She let him circle round the bed and pull her into a hug, softly running a hand through her hair and rubbing her back while she sobbed into his hoodie, holding onto him for dear life.

"Calm down, babe. I'm here. It's okay, shhhh," He whispered, soothingly rocking her body side to side. When he felt her tense body eventually slump against him, he settled down onto the bed, slowly stroking her face that rested against his chest. "What's got you so worked up, hmm? Did you have a nightmare? Are you in pain? Ian did say you got into a bar fight while in New York." He mumbled, his face twisting in concern when Lauren just held him tighter. "Do you want me to take you to Camila's? She begged me to drop you off earlier, but you were knocked out." He chuckled, frowning when Lauren whimpered in response.

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