Chapter 5: Naughty Girl

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**play Naughty Girl by Beyoncé when you see (*) for a better read

Trigger Warning- mentions of pedophilia, underage sex & rape

(Flashback) Model City- Miami 1996

"Just do it Lo! You might not even get the chance to do this again! No offence, but I don't really think people would like to get fucked by a chick with a dick." Sean ranted, pushing a condom into Lauren's hand.

"But Sean, I... I don't know... how to do it. What do I even do?" Lauren stammered nervously, tucking the condom into the waistband of her boxers.

Her and Sean were kicking it at the park. It was past midnight, and Lauren was already nervous about what her father would do to her is he knew she was still out. She hoped her father had already drank himself unconscious, as this was his nightly routine.

"Lo, you just gotta stick it in, and start thrusting. See, like this," Sean demonstrated, acting as though he was thrusting into someone, humping the air randomly. Lauren just looked at him with a serious deadpan, then sneered. She was kinda nervous, but also excited. She'd been wanting to lose her virginity since Sean and her other friend, Zayn lost their's. Sean caught her ogling some older lady earlier, and thought it would be good to convince Lauren that she was the one she needed to lose her virginity to.

"Come on Lo, before she leaves!" Sean ushered her towards the woman who was chilling with some of her other friends. Approaching her nervously, Lauren pushed her long brown hair over her shoulders, and casually sat down next to the woman, her friends raising their eyebrows and snickering at her. They just wanted to know who the hell she thought she was.

"Hi, my name's Lauren." She began looking the older woman up and down. "What's your's, bebecita?"  (baby girl)

"Bebecita?!" The older woman cackled along with her friends. "Baby, I'm probably old enough to be your mother!"

"Oh," Lauren said, scratching her head stupidly, looking at Sean in the distance, silently asking him what to do. Sean just placed his two fingers on either side of his mouth, and began sticking his tongue out in a vulgar demonstration of what Lauren should do. She took that as her sign to keep going. "How old are you then, mamacita? Because you look no older than me." She charmed, causing the older woman and her friends to swoon and coo at her.

"I'm 26. How old are you niñita?"  (little girl)

"I'm 14." Lauren answered proudly.

"That's good enough for me." She said, her eyes flashing with something Lauren couldn't quite decipher. The woman looked to her friends. "Right! I'm going to get my cheeks clapped by this one. See you later!" She told them bluntly, ignoring her friend's shrieking laughter, jests and teasing. "Let's go angelita," She whispered in Lauren's ear pulling Lauren up with her. Due to Lauren's slightly shorter frame, the woman wrapped her arm around her shoulder as she grabbed Lauren's arm and wrapped it around her own hips, smirking to herself when she felt Lauren's hand cop a feel of her ass.  (little angel).

"So... I heard from your lil friend that you got your own lil friend hanging about in your pants, that right?" The woman asked teasingly, pushing Lauren behind the bushes.

"Erm... I.... erm... uh, yeah." Lauren stumbled over her words, silently thanking Sean for telling the woman so she wouldn't have to. "Yeah, I do. And it's big." She said with feigned arrogance, expertly masking her nerves.

"How big is it then, papito?" She purred seductively, approaching Lauren with a predatory glint shining in her eyes. (daddy)

"About 4 inches." Lauren stated with pride. Suddenly, the woman burst out laughing, making Lauren look at her confused. "What?"

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