Chapter 38: Me, Myself and I

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**play Me, Myself and I by Beyoncé when you see (*) for a better read


Megan Fox:


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Hollywood Hills- Los Angeles

The room was small and plain, with whitewashed walls that bore the marks of time and countless inhabitants. A single cot, narrow and unadorned, stood against one wall, its thin blanket sloppily folded at the foot. A wooden chair, worn smooth by years of use, sat in the corner beside a small, scarred table. The barred window let in a shaft of late afternoon light, which fell across the cracked linoleum floor and cast long shadows. A ceiling fan turned lazily overhead, its steady hum the only sound breaking the heavy silence. There was nothing personal in the room, nothing to suggest the lives that had passed through it, only the bare essentials needed to get by.

Lauren lay on the narrow bed, staring at the ceiling. The hum of the ceiling fan was the only sound in the room, a constant reminder of the oppressive summer heat outside. She traced the faint cracks in the plaster above, following their jagged paths with her eyes. Her body felt heavy, the weight of the past few weeks pressing down on her. The ache in her muscles was a familiar companion now, a reminder of the struggle that had brought her here. She ran a hand through her tousled hair, slick with sweat, and exhaled slowly.

As she lay, Lauren's thoughts drifted to the people she had left behind, the promises made and broken, the nights lost in a haze of forgetfulness. Here, in the quiet of the room she was assigned, there was no escape from the memories that haunted her. When she closed her eyes, she could picture Lola, her huge blue eyes staring up at her like she hung the moon in the sky. She could picture Sydney, looking at her with disappointment etched on her face, her eyes narrowed in anger as she watched Lauren put both her and Lola in danger again and again. Lauren thought of her friends, and Camila, and wondered how they were doing; whether they missed her, whether they didn't give a shit. The thought of the latter made her physically recoil, as if she'd been burned. The thought of her friends, of Camila, hating her made her want to scream, cry, and possibly throw up.

But she was determined to make the best of her 30 days in here. Lauren knew she had to get better, even though deep down she knew all would go down the drain the second she saw Ian again. He had booked them both a flight to Thailand, knowing full well the extent of the rampant prostitution there. And he wanted to take advantage of that. Ian had told Lauren that they would go there to 'have fun', and that she, herself, would not have to serve any 'customers'; that she would be the customer. But Lauren knew better, and she had been avoiding him at all costs, practically begging the rehab staff to take her phone and to only allow specific people to visit her. Camila included.

"Lauren! It's time for your morning meditation!" Lauren's therapist, Megan, shouted through her door. Without warning, she swung the door open, muttering curses under her breath at the sight of a very naked Lauren. "Get up." She simply said, walking over to her and attempting to haul her up off the bed, not doing much considering Lauren was almost a foot taller than her, and much stronger than her.

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