Chapter 28: How To Deal

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A/N: can I have your opinions on this book. Is it good, or is it shit? I'm not sure if it's worth continuing 🤷🏽‍♀️

**play How To Deal by Frankie J when you see (*) for a better read

Trigger Warning: mentions of suicide, sexual abuse, rape and drug abuse in the flashback and later on in the chapter


(Flashback) Model City- Miami 1999

Stumbling across the street, Lauren took a sip from her solo cup, the taste of the cheap beer tainting her tongue. With a grimace, she chugged the rest of it, before crumbling the cup and throwing it onto the ground. It was late, and she had snuck into a frat party while she was working in Miami. The frat house was a labyrinth of sticky floors, pounding music, and flashing lights. Everywhere she turned, there were people groping, grinding, and swilling booze. The air was thick with sweat and desperation. She didn't belong here. Not anymore. But she couldn't seem to pull herself away.

The press of bodies forced her deeper into the party, until she found herself in a darkened corner, surrounded by a group of guys and girls who were clearly out of their minds on whatever they were drinking. They were all staring at her, their eyes glittering with desire and something else she didn't quite recognize.

"Hey, beautiful," One of them slurred, his breath hot against her ear. "You look like you could use a drink." He pressed a plastic cup into her hand, and she took a sip automatically, not really tasting the fruity liquor. It went down far too easily.

"What's your name, sweet thing?" Asked another, her breath smelling like cheap beer and regret. "We'd all like to know." Lauren opened her mouth to reply, but nothing came out. The room was spinning, and she couldn't seem to focus on anything but the way their hands kept finding their way to her hips, her waist, her crotch. She knew she should leave, knew this was a mistake, but she couldn't seem to make her legs move.

And then, before she knew it, she was being led away from the group, down a dark hallway, and into a room with a single, dim light. The door shut behind them with a click, and she found herself face-to-face with the biggest, broadest guy she'd ever seen. His muscles bulged under his tight t-shirt, and his chest was practically hairless. He had a cruel smile on his lips.

"You're all mine now, sweetheart," He growled, closing the distance between them in a few long strides. "And I'm gonna have whatever I want." Before she could even process what was happening, he had her pressed against the wall, his massive hand squeezing her breast through her thin top. "And I want you."

Her heart raced as he leaned in, his hot breath tickling her ear. She knew she should struggle, knew she should fight back, but something inside her had switched off. It was like she was watching this all from somewhere else, as if she were already a step removed from her own body. And when he reached down to unbuckle his belt, she didn't even flinch.

With a practiced motion, he yanked down her jeans and underwear, baring her to him. She felt cold and exposed as the air hit her skin, but there was something else too. A sense of surrender, of helplessness. As he pushed her down onto the bed, she couldn't help but wonder how many times she'd been in this exact situation before. How many times she'd felt this way, like a piece of meat being used for someone else's pleasure?

The weight of his body pressed her into the mattress, his hands roaming over her skin, possessing her. He was rough and demanding, his thrusts hard and unrelenting. She could feel the bed digging into her back, the sheets twisted around her legs. She wanted to scream, to beg him to stop, but the words caught in her throat.

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