Chapter 23: Cry Me A River

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**play Cry Me A River by Justin Timberlake when you see (*) for a better read


Downtown Los Angeles

"Ohhhh, fuck. Oh fuck, fuck, fuck!"

"Come on,"

"She moved on fast." Sean chuckled, leaning against the wall while he passed the blunt to Justin while he merely shrugged, taking a hit from the spliff, opening his mouth to let the smoke drift from between his lips.

"Good for her, I say. I mean, I feel bad for Mila, and I really wanted them to work out, but Lauren said it was a mutual breakup, so..."

"Yeah, but... I don't think this'll help her... situation."

Justin slapped Sean upside the head when he saw Lauren walking out of the bathroom while zipping up her jeans. Her cheeks were flushed and her hair was sticking up all over the place. She looked up at Justin and Sean bickering, and placed her hand out for the blunt. "Did you wash your hands?" Justin teased, still passing her the blunt. Lauren nodded with a laugh, and inhaled deeply. She glanced behind her to watch the blonde woman stumble out of the bathroom on unsteady legs, gifting her with a slap on the ass and a wink.

"So... I guess you're back to your 'womanizing ways', huh?" Sean asked, watching Lauren staring at all the women dancing. Lauren shrugged and smirked, having already found a new target.

"Yeah man. I was never meant to be tied down, you feel me? Plus, with Camila, she was... boring. I was having sex only once."

"That's a lie," Justin piped up, shaking his head in amusement. "You guys fucked all the time."

"Yeah, but it would only be once a day. It was never like, 'once in the morning, once in the evening'. It was always in one go. That's boring; I gotta have it multiple times a day, everyday. Not once in a blue moon." Lauren muttered, passing the blunt back to Sean. "Plus, she was pretty vanilla. Only let me hit it from the back when she was feeling 'adventurous'." Justin shook his head, knowing damn well Lauren was bullshitting, but he let her run her mouth. Judging by the way Lauren would have her screaming, he knew for a fact that Camila was not vanilla. "By the way, where's Zayn? Did you guys not invite him?" She asked, slapping Sean's shoulder.

"Nah, we didn't think you'd want him here. He just said to tell you he's sorry. He did message you a bunch, but you never got back to him."

"But I'm not pissed anymore. I'm fucking other people, Camila's... doing something. I don't know. But I don't care anymore. Bros before hoes, man."

Justin and Sean exchanged glances, mildly amused by Lauren's mellow tone, but also somewhat confused. Lauren was the type to hold a grudge, especially when it came to a girl she was fucking. Unless it was some prostitute, she didn't like to share. Ever. So her being so willing to forgive Zayn was a little bit... concerning.

"Uhh, I'll call him." Justin replied, whipping out his phone dramatically to make Lauren laugh. She waved him off and walked away from them, going to chat up some woman sat at the bar. Sean noticed she looked eerily similar to Camila, but what made him laugh was how blatantly disinterested she looked. Lauren seemed to be pulling out all her charms, yet to no avail. Sean nudged Justin and pushed his chin out in her direction, the both of them giggling at Lauren failing to gain the interest of the woman.

Gasps echoed the bar when they heard the noise of a resounding slap fill the room. Everyone looked in the direction of where it came from, and Sean and Justin stared with their mouths agape, grabbing each other and wheezing with laughter when the woman threw her drink at Lauren, before storming off, looking back to flip her off while shouting, "Asshole!"

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