Chapter 24: Pretty Wings

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A/N: from now on, updates will be posted every week. By the way, this is quite a long fucking chapter and there's a lot going on, so prepare yourself. Please don't hate me for the ending though...

**play Pretty Wings by Maxwell when you see (*) for a better read


Bel Air- Los Angeles

Walking tiredly down the street, Lauren shielded her sensitive eyes with a hand, attempting to block her face from the paparazzi. Today... was a shit day. Not only did she have a massive fight with Camila earlier, calling her things that had been eating at her conscience, but she also found out that she would be able to take a paternity test for Sydney.

Fuck... she was stressed.

"Can you get the fuck out of my face?" She growled, shoving a man so hard her stumbled over, falling directly on his ass. She moved to push another guy, but was pulled back by Paul.

"Stop it, Lauren. We need to get to the hospital."

"Watch it, fucking hermaphrodite." The man grumbled, standing up and dusting himself off. Lauren turned around at the same time as Paul, both of them raising their eyebrows in anger. Before Paul could open his mouth, Lauren swung at him, her fist connecting harshly with his cheekbone. She grabbed him by the neck of his shirt and punched him again, ignoring the gasps from the crowd. She felt people grabbing at her, trying to pull her away, but she kept going, wrapping her hands around his neck as she ran him into the ground.

"Puto bastardo! Vete a la mierda!" (Fucking bastard! Go fuck yourself!)

With help from the crowd, Paul eventually managed to haul Lauren off the man, struggling to hold her back while she charged like a raging bull. "Lauren! Enough! Calm down."

"Did- I... are you being fucking serious?! Did you hear what he said to me?!" Lauren bellowed, still thrashing around in Paul's arms. "Let go of me!"

"Calm down," He murmured softly into her ear, his soothing tone helping to calm her down. She eventually gave up, her body going slack against his while he continued to whisper in her ear. He swiftly led them to the car, slamming the door shut in the faces of the men swarming the car. "Please, take us to the hospital."

When they finally arrived, Lauren was grateful that there were no paparazzi. There were may have some people who were discreetly taking photos with their phones. Or well, as discreetly as one can with a phone. She may have even seen someone pull out a Polaroid camera, holding it while facing backwards and posing as if they were in the photo with Lauren. She also may have chuckled at that.

But when they reached inside, and Paul walked over to the front desk to find out whether Sydney was already there, she felt a sudden rush of panic surge through her veins. What if the child really was hers? Would it deter Camila from ever getting back with her? She laughed sarcastically at that thought. Oh no, she did that all herself earlier, the result of her hot temper. If only she'd been able to bite her tongue, just once. Maybe she wouldn't be missing Camila the way she was right now.

"Laurennn?" She heard Paul drawl. "She's in room six on the third floor." He said, walking towards her and smiling reassuringly. He noticed how tense she was, and he grabbed her hand, squeezing it gently. "Hey, relax. This'll be quick. They only need a swab of saliva."

Puffing out her cheeks, Lauren nodded slowly, reluctantly following behind Paul. As horrible as it may sound, Lauren was kinda looking forward to seeing this Sydney chick. She'd forgotten what she looked like, and if she was hot... well. She'd never fucked a pregnant bitch before. If she truly was the baby daddy, she may as well have another go.

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