Chapter 7: Confessions (II)

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A/N: I know this book right now is giving 'porn without plot' kinda thing, but trust me, everything has a meaning 🤷🏽‍♀️. Anyway...

**play Confessions (part two) by Usher when you see (*) for a better read

Trigger warning- mentions of rape. Please skip if you're not comfortable. Also there will be polygamy later on in the chapter (foursome)


(Flashback) Model City- Miami 1998

In the dimly lit hotel room, his bright blue eyes bore into hers as he whispered sweet lies.

"Why are you so tense, my dear? Just relax,"

Lauren's friend's voice echoed in her mind, dripping with manipulation. Lauren's eyes widened with realization as she watched the scene play out in the mirror. She tried to push him away, but he held her in a tight grip, his black hair falling over his intense gaze. The air was heavy with an unspoken tension as his bright blue eyes gleamed with a predatory hunger that sent shivers down her spine. His black hair fell in disarray as he loomed over her, his touch cold and invasive as he forced himself upon her innocent frame.

"Don't fight it, darling. You know you want this," he murmured, his voice like a sinister melody.

"No, please stop," The 16-year-old whimpered, her voice barely a ghostly whisper in the suffocating silence of the room. But her pleas fell on deaf ears as her friend continued his sinister actions, taking advantage of her fragile state without a second thought.

He dropped to his knees, taking out Lauren's flaccid penis through the front of her boxers.

"Mhm. I'm going to suck your dick now. If you cry, I'll cancel that meeting I got you with VNY. Got it?" He said roughly as he took Lauren in his mouth, sucking harshly. "Show me what you can do." He said while placing his hand on her hip, forcing her to thrust into his mouth.

Lauren let out a pained whimper, her hips still moving unwillingly to thrust into his mouth.

"You like that don't you?" He said, pulling away as wiped his mouth, his blue eyes shining dangerously. "You like being at my mercy. You're such as good girl, Lo." He simpered sarcastically, as he took her back in his mouth, his hands forcefully pulling her hips to his mouth.

"There's no one else quite like me, darling,"

As tears rolled down her cheeks, Lauren's heart screamed in silent agony, trapped in a nightmare from which she couldn't escape.

With each forceful motion, a sense of violation permeated the room, suffocating any semblance of innocence that remained. The sound of stifled sobs filled the space, mingled with the vulgar sounds of saliva mixed with cum being swallowed.

Lauren's troubled eyes stared into the cold, unforgiving mirror. Her reflection, a shattered image of vulnerability and pain, mimicked every dreadful movement echoing in the room.

The mirror reflected her pain, her anguish, as she relived the moment that shattered her trust forever. In that hotel room, surrounded by ghosts of the past, Lauren's heart cried out for justice

The mirror, was a cruel witness to the depravity unfolding within its cold surface, reflected the horror back at Lauren, a heartbreaking reminder of the violation she was enduring.

As the harrowing ordeal continued, Lauren's reflection in the mirror seemed to blur, the once vibrant green eyes losing their sparkle, mirroring only pain and anguish. The betrayal etched on her face was a stark contrast to the predatory gaze of her friend, a chilling reminder of the darkness that lurked beneath the facade of trust.


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