Chapter 13: Peaches & Cream

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**play Peaches & Cream by 112 when you see (*) for a better read


Bel Air- Los Angeles

"Ouch! Camila!" Lauren's childlike laughter echoed the bedroom while she rubbed on the spot Camila just slapped. Camila sat on the bed with the covers around her waist, pouting with her arms crossed.

"Laurennn," She whined, glaring at Lauren while she just laughed at her. Camila bit the inside of her cheek to stop herself from giggling too when Lauren threw her head back, laughing even harder at the face she made. "It's not funny!"

"It is!" Lauren said, giggling like a schoolgirl. She laid back down, still occasionally laughing when she remembered what Camila said.

They'd woken up sore and tired from a night of rough, wild sex. Camila, of course, wanted more, considering this was all she'd ever wanted from Lauren- a relationship. But Lauren didn't, telling Camila, "My dick will fall off if we have anymore sex,"

To which Camila had replied, "I'll take it if it falls off. It's not like you need it."

And that's what set off Lauren's laughing fit.

"I'm tiredddd," Lauren dragged out, stretching her arms and back while letting a guttural moan slip out. She rested on her back, watching camila with an amused smile when she stood up on shaky legs, muttering something about "buying a dildo" to keep herself busy. Camila walked round the bed to Lauren's side, and without warning, straddled her body over the covers, before leaning down to gently peck her lips. She smiled when Lauren closed her eyes, her arms resting by her head and her hair a mess.

"Lauren..." Camila drawled, running her hands up and down Lauren's chest. She leaned down to place kisses along her chest, moving down to trail her kisses down her stomach. When she reached her hips, she glanced up, smirking when she saw Lauren looking down at her with her eyebrows furrowed and her lips parted. She nuzzled her face into Lauren's stomach, licking along her Adonis' belt. Camila flipped her hair over her shoulder, seducing Lauren with her sultry gaze, her eyes ablaze with desire. She ran her hands up Lauren's stomach as she moved her body higher, revelling in the feeling of her abs and muscles tensing beneath her touch. "You're so hot." She murmured, her lips gliding along Lauren's chest. She then held herself over Lauren, ghosting her lips over hers, teasing her with a potential kiss.

"Mhm... Camz," Lauren moaned, her hands gripping Camila's ass. She leaned in for a kiss, only to have Camila swerve it. She leaned forward again, harshly pulling her hair to hold her in place as she kissed her roughly. She tilted her head to the side, deepening the kiss. Camila let out an accidental moan, her nails harshly digging into the skin of Lauren's chest. She smiled into the kiss, pulling back and touching Lauren's bottom lip with her index finger, smirking at her with her eyebrows raised.

Then she pulled away and crawled on the other side of the bed, pulling out her phone and began texting, ignoring Lauren's grunts of protest and her look of annoyance.

Lauren sat up, her hands gripping the bedsheets, the veins bulging in her arms. She looked at Camila, her eyebrows knitted together in frustration. "Hey, you can't just leave me like this! You started it!" She huffed, gesturing to the large bulge underneath the covers. Camila continued ignoring her and texting on her phone, biting back an arrogant smirk when she heard Lauren swearing under her breath. She heard the rustling of the sheets and felt the bed move as Lauren stood up.

Camila looked up and almost laughed when she saw Lauren stood directly in front of her, her cock standing up tall and pointing towards her. Lauren stood in front of her with a frown, before she had an idea. She trailed her hands over her body, feeling the hard muscles of her abs and hips flexing as she dragged her hand down to the base of her cock, lifting it up and moving it around with one hand. Camila's eyes then widened when Lauren began jerking off rapidly, her hand fisting her cock while she showed off her muscles, bending her other arm behind her head, her abs hard and glistening with sweat. With a cocky smirk on her lips, Lauren continued her ministrations, watching Camila's reaction as just watched her in shock, her mouth agape and her eyes wide. "Lauren! What are you doing?!"

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