Chapter 17: Truly Madly Deeply

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A/N: there will be multiple flashbacks in this chapter, so prepare yourself. Also, comment your thoughts, because I wanna see if anyone's put two and two together 🤔

**play Truly Madly Deeply by Savage Garden when you see (*) for a better read


(Flashback) 1996

Wrapping a hand around her throat, Lauren tilted her head, moaning deeply when the blonde shoved her tongue in her mouth. She couldn't stop the wide grin splitting her lips when the girl moved her other hand from her waist and put it on her breast.

"You're such a fuck boy." The girl purred with a saccharine grin on her face when she pulled away from Lauren's lips.

"I can't help it. You've got great tits." She said, laughing when the girl slapped her chest.

"But so have you. And you won't even let me touch them." She pouted, squealing when Lauren pulled her into her lap and silenced her with a hard kiss. She opened her eyes just for a second, but kept them opened when they landed on the woman of her dreams: her fantasy girl. She pulled away, not paying the blonde any mind while she kissed her neck, her gaze solely focused on the brunette cheerleader, who'd come to school with new blonde streaks in her hair. Lauren silently swooned, an excited grin making its way on her face.

Without warning, she shoved the blonde girl away from her, standing up to walk over to her crush, her heart beating out of her chest. She practically had heart-eyes, walking over to her with a love-sick grin on her face. "Hey... Paris... I'll catch you later."

"It's not Paris, it's... you know what... whatever. Go screw yourself." The blonde muttered, shoving past Lauren a while giving her the finger and the deadliest glare she'd ever seen. Lauren merely shrugged and nodded, before making her way to the cheerleader.


"Hey... Laura... was it?" The girl asked, giggling flirtatiously when Lauren nodded like a fool. She laughed at Lauren's toothy grin, and stepped forward to press a kiss on Lauren's blushing cheek. "Fancy seeing you round here. I didn't know you played sport."

"Oh... erm... I don't. I'm waiting for my friend, Zayn. You might know him? He's on the football team."

"Oh yeah. He's cute. Do you think I could have his number." She asked, playing with her hair while she assessed Lauren's face, noting the way it dropped. She pulled out a marker from her bag and handed it to Lauren while she held out her arm, signalling for her write it down there.

"Uhhh, yeah. Sure." She Lauren muttered, writing Zayn's number on her arm with the marker she gave her. She felt herself get goosebumps when she touched her skin, even if it was just her forearm. "Here."

"Thank youuu." She sang, caressing Lauren's bicep. She and Lauren both stood in silence, looking at each other. Lauren stared at her entranced, bewitched by the short brunette's ethereal beauty, while the cheerleader looked at her questioningly, her eyebrows raised before her lips curled in a devilish smile. "You know, Lauren... you're really hot too."

"Thanks... I guess." Lauren chuckled awkwardly, shyly rubbing the back of her neck. "You're... um... you're beautiful."

The girl's eyebrows raised even further when Lauren called her beautiful. She definitely didn't expect that. She expected something like 'you're hot too', or 'you've got a great ass', or something like that. From what she'd heard, this 'Laura' girl, was a major fuckboy, a player, and a heartbreaker. So... who was this timid figure stood before her, fiddling with her hands and blushing like a baby? She didn't know, but she did kinda wanna find out.

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