Chapter 15: My Baby You

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A/N: Finally! Some Camren fluff!

**play My Baby You by Marc Anthony when you see (*) for a better read


Bel Air- Los Angeles

With the radio blaring, Lauren moved around the kitchen effortlessly, rapping along to the song blasting through the room. "I'd rather fuck with you, all goddamn night. 'Cause your pussy's good." She rapped along with Eazy E, bopping her head to the beat. She flipped the pancake with ease, a smile lighting up her face when she saw it was perfectly toasted on the bottom. "Now, I'm fucking all your friends, 'Cause you ran your mouth like I knew you would."

When she sang that lyric, she stopped for a second, laughed, then shook her head in disbelief. This song was hitting a little too close to home. She walked over to her fridge, and pulled out a carton of Camila's favourite apple juice. Lauren preferred orange, but Camila had once told her she loved apple juice for breakfast, so she made sure to stock some up. Speaking of Camila...


Groaning softly, Camila turned her body, looking for Lauren's. But when she was met with the cold silk sheets of her side of the bed, she sat upright slowly. She shook her head in amusement when she heard music playing from outside the bedroom, and laughed when she heard Lauren rapping along.

"I'd rather fuck you, 'Cause I like the way you scream my name. I know you like this dick, 'Cause you enjoy the pleasure and pain."

Camila blushed at the crude lyrics of the song, and heaved herself out of the bed. She wore a short, black, sheer slip dress. For some reason, which Camila was not going to continue questioning, Lauren had a whole drawer of women's lingerie. Like, a ridiculous amount, for someone who only wore boxers. When Camila had asked her, she just blushed and sheepishly mumbled something about 'being prepared'. Whatever that meant.

Walking towards the kitchen, Camila smiled at the scent of food that wafted through the air, making mouth salivate. When she finally stepped into the open area, she almost cooed out loud at what she saw. Lauren stood, in nothing but a pair of black boxers, carefully assembling, what looked to be a plateful of food. She also had a tall glass of apple juice on the counter, with exactly four ice cubes, just how she liked it. Lauren was still grooving to the song playing on the radio, this time it was a smoother, softer song.

"There used to be a greying tower alone on the sea. And you became the light on the dark side of me." Lauren sang gently along to the song 'Kiss From A Rose'. Her back was now turned to Camila, singing the song a little louder now. "Love remained a drug that's a high and not the pill."

"But did you know that when it snows, My eyes become large, And the light that you shine can't be seen."

Lauren jumped at the sound of Camila's voice singing along with her. She turned around rapidly, her cheeks a soft hue of pink and her eyes bright. Camila assumed she had been up for a while before she decided to make breakfast, considering the whole 'bright eyed and bushy tailed' look she had going for her. "I didn't know you could sing, Lauren. Maybe one day we could do a duet." She teased, laughing when Lauren just nodded curtly, a smile threatening to make its way on her lips.

"I made breakfast." She simply announced, guiding Camila to her table. She pulled her chair out for her, then placed down the plate of food. Camila's eyes widened comically at the vast amount of food on the plate: pancakes, fried bacon, scrambled eggs, hash browns and toast. She looked up at Lauren, who sat next to her, and grabbed her face to place a light kiss on her lips. When Lauren tried to deepen it, she pulled away.

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