Chapter 34: A Song For Mama

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**play A Song For Mama by Boyz II Men when you see (*) for a better read


Pacific Palisades- Los Angeles

At the break of dawn, the coastal town awakened with a gentle grace. Sunlight slowly stretched across the horizon, bathing the landscape in a soft, golden glow. Ocean waves whispered rhythmically against the shore, their serene cadence a calming backdrop to the nascent day. Crisp air, infused with a faint scent of salt and eucalyptus, drifted lazily through the streets. Seagulls called faintly in the distance, their cries mingling with the light breeze. In the quiet streets, the occasional chirp of birds and the soft rustle of leaves were the only sounds, embracing the peaceful stillness that held the world in a delicate pause.

Meanwhile, inside Camila's bedroom, a scene of chaos unfolded. The harsh buzz of an alarm clock shattered the silence, its relentless beeping a jarring intrusion. The headboard of the bed slammed against the wall, the incessant creaking of the mattress, and the rustle of bedsheets being hastily grabbed at added to the cacophony. Urgent voices sliced through the chaos, accompanied by the loud thumping of the bed against the floor and the obscene sound of skin slapping against skin. The frantic sounds of moans and sighs stood in vivid opposition to the tranquil morning outside.


"Ah! Ahh! Lauren!!"

Said girl grunted and gripped the headboard of the bed they were on, face buried in the crook of Camila's neck as she thrusted her cock in and out of her contracting walls. Camila panted heavily and cupped the back of her neck, clawing her acrylic nails down the side of her back as she bucked her hips to fuck her back, the both of them rocking frantically against each other. A guttural moan slipped out from Lauren when Camila arched her back even more, the act eliciting another deep sigh from her. Camila trailed her hand down Lauren's back, slipping her hand underneath the jeans that still hung loosely on her hips, forcing their bodies to glue together by pushing against her ass. She held onto Lauren's waist and rotated her own hips, both of them pushing their hips into each other.

Camila whined in protest when Lauren halted her movements, pulling out to stroke herself. She ran a hand through Lauren's thick hair and gently scratched her scalp, pulling her in for a passionate kiss that left her breathless. They locked eyes when Lauren pulled back with Camila's bottom lip between her teeth, both their bodies spasming and shivering when Lauren slid back in. Lauren moved her hand from the headboard and grasped at Camila's silk pyjama shirt, holding her down while she drew her hips back and started delivering long, deep strokes that made the girl beneath her scream out in pleasure, her loud moans and airy sighs becoming more desperate. Lauren moved her other hand to wrap around her throat, lightly squeezing the sides. She moaned in delight at the beautiful blush that adorned Camila's cheeks, that slowly spread across her neck and breasts.

"Fuck me," Camila whimpered, losing her voice. She arched her back farther and ran her hands back up Lauren's spine to grab fistfuls of her hair, her eyebrows slanting upwards and gritting her teeth as Lauren caressed down her stomach and breasts before resting on her naked thigh, pushing her leg up to rest on her hip so she could deliver deeper strokes that went all the way in until the tip repeatedly rammed into her cervix. "Yes! Ohh my God! Yes, yes, yes, yes," Camila spread her legs wider and vigorously met every thrust.

There was a loud knock on the door but the seductive beat of Brandy's 'Afrodisiac' blasting in the bedroom was way too loud for either of them to hear. Plus, Camila had company round before Lauren ended up on her doorstep last night (for the fourth time in a row), so it was even louder outside the room.

"Camila! You in there? We're hungry and about to raid your fridge. Hurry the fuck up and stop having sex for like, two seconds, and come help me fry this egg," Yelled Nina.

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