Chapter 2: What's Your Fantasy?

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**play What's Your Fantasy by Ludacris when you see (*) for a better read


Lauren's outfit visual

———————— Lauren's outfit visual

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Camila's outfit

Camila's outfit

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Brooklyn- New York

In the heart of vibrant NYC, the party was in full swing. Celebrities mingling, drinks flowing, and the atmosphere crackling with excitement.

After Camila and Dinah left the fashion show, Dinah immediately got to work, going through Camila's closet and throwing garments in Camila's direction that she deemed 'life-destroying kind of sexy'. Dinah had been busy adding the final touches to Camila's look, ensuring every hair was in place and every curve accentuated.

Camila was wearing a black, off the shoulder silk dress that accentuated her natural curves and showcased a large amount of cleavage, and black strapped stilettos.

"Girl, you're gonna have everyone drooling over you tonight!" Dinah exclaimed, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

As Camila walked into the Brooklyn Steel, her and Dinah went their separate ways, with Dinah running up to meet some girl, who Camila couldn't recognise from behind, at the bar. Upon arrival, Camila was met with cheers and applause, her friends Ariana Grande, Anitta, and Nina Dobrev, rushing to congratulate her.

"Camila, you were on fire out there!" Ariana chirped, her petite frame glowing with admiration.

"Yeah, girl, you really slayed!" Anitta and Nina added in unison.

Camila stood out like a seductive siren, her brown locks cascading down her shoulders as she moved with grace through the club, her dress hugging her vivacious curves. The pulsating beat of the music accompanying her, setting the rhythm for the night.

"Thanks guys! I love you." Camila said a warm smile gracing her beautiful face.

"So... I heard Lauren Jauregui flirted with you on stage." Ariana said slyly, smirking when she noticed Camila's cheeks turn pink. "She's so hot. If she kissed my hand...biiiitch."

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