Chapter 27: Hell Is For Children

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**play Hell Is For Children by Pat Benatar when you see (*) for a better read

Trigger Warning: mentions of sexual abuse, drug abuse, rape and suicide


Bel Air- Los Angeles

The early morning light was harsh, cutting through the bedroom curtains and falling low on the figure writhing in bed. Lauren's skin glistened with sweat, her face contorted in pain. She clutched at the sheets, her body trembling uncontrollably. The intense agony of withdrawals had finally caught up with her, wracking through his body and leaving her gasping for breath.

Sydney sat beside her, her heart breaking at the sight of her suffering. She had a damp cloth in one hand, gently dabbing Lauren's forehead, and a bowl of water in the other. Every wince, every groan that escaped her lips felt like a knife to her heart. "Lauren," she whispered, her voice filled with concern. "I'm here. I'm right here."

Lauren's eyes fluttered open, glazed and unfocused. "It hurts," She croaked, her voice barely above a whisper. "It hurts so much."

Sydney swallowed hard, fighting back tears. "I know, love. I know. But you're strong, and you can get through this. I'm right here with you."

Lauren groaned, her body tensing as another wave of pain crashed over her. "Why... why is it so hard?" She gasped, her eyes pleading for answers.

"Withdrawals are like that," Sydney said softly, her hand never leaving her forehead. "Your body is trying to rid itself of the toxins. It's a fight, but it's a fight worth winning."

Lauren's breathing was ragged, each inhale and exhale a struggle. "I don't know if I can do this," She whispered, her voice filled with despair. "I feel like I'm dying."

Sydney leaned closer, her face inches from her. "You're not dying, Lauren. You're living. You're taking the first steps to get your life back. And I'm so proud of you."

Lauren turned her head slightly, her eyes meeting Sydney's for a brief moment before they closed again in pain. "Don't leave me," She pleaded, her voice cracking.

"I won't," She promised, her voice steady. "I'll never leave you." Sydney continued to dab her forehead, her touch gentle and soothing. She hummed softly, a lullaby her mother used to sing to her. The melody filled the room, offering a small measure of comfort amidst the turmoil. Time passed slowly, each minute stretching into an eternity. Lauren's pain ebbed and flowed, the intensity leaving her exhausted. Sydney stayed by Lauren's side, her presence a constant anchor. She brought her sips of water, helped her change into dry clothes when the sweat soaked through, and held her hand through the worst of it.

Finally, after what felt like hours, Lauren's breathing steadied, the tremors in her body lessening. She looked at Sydney, her eyes clearer than they had been in days. "Thank you," Lauren whispered, her voice hoarse but sincere.

Sydney smiled, her eyes filled with tears of relief. "You're doing so well, Lauren. I'm so proud of you."

Lauren managed a weak smile, her hand squeezing hers. "I couldn't do it without you," She said, her voice barely audible.

"And you don't have to," She replied softly. "We're in this together."

Lauren closed her eyes, the exhaustion finally overtaking her. Sydney watched her with a soft look in her face, and smiled gently, tenderly brushing Lauren's hair out of her face, then leaning down to press a gentle kiss against Lauren's forehead. Even if Lauren came to resent her, she would still be there for her, holding her when she can't hold herself, and providing her with the type of love nobody else could ever give to her. She just didn't know it would be so soon.

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