Chapter 8: Taxi

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**play Taxi by Camila Cabello when you see (*) for a better read


Hollywood Hills- Los Angeles

Yawning loudly, Normani slowly sat up in bed, smiling at the sight of her boyfriend sound asleep next to her. He'd come home yesterday, mumbling something about a 'strip club', which immediately made Normani perk up. She started firing questions at him, feeling the jealousy boiling within her. But when Francisco told her he and Sean had come home after the performance, she felt a little better. She was still pissed, don't get it twisted. She couldn't believe her boyfriend had the audacity to even go to a strip club, but still, at least he didn't get drunk with the rest of them, or get a private dance.

Francisco had told Normani what had happened last night, and how Lauren and Sean seemed to be fighting. Normani didn't like that. It was never pretty when they fought. Her mind drifted back to when they were 17, and after a nasty fight, Lauren had called Sean's 'flavour of the month', a girl named Angelina, and fucked her in his bed. It took Sean months to get over that. But just like Lauren, Sean could be spiteful too. Normani thought back to when they were about to walk on the catwalk for Versace in 2001. About 10 minutes before they were supposed to go on, Sean broke the news to Lauren that he had sex with her little 'fling' at the time. Lauren then slept with his mother.

Normani chuckled at that memory despite the severity of it. She still, to this day, couldn't believe Lauren had managed to bang his mom. That's how she earned the nickname 'la malparida', which translates to 'the motherfucker', in Spanish. Normani thought it was quite fitting, considering she was quite literally, a 'mother fucker'.

Careful not to wake her boyfriend, Normani walked into the kitchen dressed in only her black silk babydoll. She ambled over to the fridge and opened it, looking for something that wouldn't get her in trouble with her management. She settled on a yogurt, and went to place it on the counter, before beginning her task to make the best breakfast in bed for Chico. She laughed again at another memory, this time remembering when Lauren first introduced her to Chico. She remembered how shy he was, and how much of a gentleman he had been. He didn't put his hands on her at all, and he always stood a respectable distance away from her.

Chico had been bought up in Brazil, and his mother always reprimanded him when he disrespected a woman. She'd tell him 'Se você não respeita uma mulher, como ela vai respeitá-lo?'. He was a tall, handsome man, which light brown hair and a subtle 5 O'clock shadow. And he loved Normani. And she liked him too. But he was always too timid to admit it. In fact, he didn't even want to take her to bed until he asked her to be his official girlfriend. That was the night he confessed to her that he loved her. At first, Normani was a little taken aback, considering they'd only been seeing each other for a few months. But she liked him, and wanted to try things out. (If you don't respect a woman, how will she respect you?)

Jumping, Normani let out a small laugh when she felt a pair of arms loosely wrap around her waist, a small kiss being deposited on her cheek. "Morning, my love."

"Morning baby." Normani smiled, placing a gentle kiss on his lips. Chico stared at her with an adoring gaze, even when she went back to frying his bacon, he still looked at her, smiling to himself. "What babe?" Normani asked, giggling when he just ignored her and started attacking her cheek with little kisses, simultaneously squeezing his arms around her.

"Nothing... I just... I'm so in love with you Mani. I can't wait to marry you one day." He said before walking away, not catching the way his girlfriend tensed up. Ignoring his statement, Normani went back to her frying, her mind wandering. She hadn't even thought of marriage. Yet here Chico was, declaring he was going to marry her someday. Just as she was about to start worrying about their future, she was startled by Chico's voice.

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