Chapter 16: We Belong Together

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**play We Belong Together by Mariah Carey when you see (*) for a better listen


(Flashback) Model City- Miami 1996

Walking down the school corridor, Lauren shoved her bruised knuckles into her pockets, smiling along with her best friends: Zayn and Sean. "That's was sick!" Zayn cheered, throwing his arms around his two friends. Sean laughed along with him, looking towards Lauren for approval.

"Hey, Lo! That was cool, huh?" Sean said, reaching across Zayn to push Lauren's shoulder. Lauren merely stared ahead, her eyes sparkling in entrancement. "Laurennnn," Sean drawled, snickering along with Zayn at the look on Lauren's face.

"Lauren!" Zayn shouted, chuckling when Lauren jumped slightly. "What's going on in that pretty little mind of yours?"

Lauren just shook her head and redirected her gaze ahead. Sean and Zayn exchanged a glance, smirked, then attempted to follow her gaze. When they noticed what, or rather who, she was looking at, they burst out laughing. "Lauren, do you even know who that is? She's way out of your fucking league, man." Sean teased, laughing even harder when Lauren just continued staring in a trance.

"Poor girl. Doesn't know she's a fucking man-eater. Lauren, babes, she'd eat you alive."

"Vete a la chingada. Déjame en paz." (Fuck off. Leave me alone)

"I think you're forgetting, we don't speak Spanish, Lo. Now if you spoke Urdu, then that would be great." Zayn jested, nudging Lauren, sighing in mock frustration when she continued to stare at the beautiful brunette talking animatedly to another girl in front of them. "Lo. Stop it. She's got a man anyway."

"Who?" Lauren immediately snapped, whipping her head around rapidly to look at Zayn. Sean and Zayn high-fived and laughed at her reaction, teasing her for being a 'softie'. "That's not funny." She deadpanned, glowering menacingly when Zayn just mocked her.

"Nah, but she has got a boyfriend, you know. Some guy called... Tristan... or something." Sean chipped in, moving from beside Zayn to stand next to Lauren. Both Zayn and Sean put their arms around her shoulders, and made faces at one another when Lauren's wasn't watching. They then gave each other a certain look, then moved away at the last minute, causing Lauren to stumble directly into the girl.

"Shit."So-"  Lauren muttered before trailing off when she realised who she'd bumped into. "H-hey." She stuttered stupidly, nervously rubbing the back of her neck with a sheepish grin on her face. The girl just smiled kindly at her, ignoring her own friends giggling at her in the background. She turned around to shush them, unknowingly giving Lauren an amazing view of her toned body in her cheerleader outfit.

"It's fine." She giggled, gazing up at Lauren. "I wasn't watching where I was going either."

Lauren just gawked at her, captivated by the head cheerleader's beauty. She looked up when she heard the girl's friends laughing and mocking her. She awkwardly cleared her throat and blushed when the girl licked her lips and bit her lower one, fluttering her eyes at Lauren. She played with the chestnut dyed strands of her hair, and flirtatiously placed her hand on Lauren's bicep. "Maybe I'll see you around..."

"Lauren." Lauren quickly quipped in, blushing even more when she heard Zayn and Sean wheezing with laughter behind her.

"You're cute... Lauren." The girl teased, before standing on her tiptoes to plant a small kiss on her cheek. Loud cheers and laughter erupted in the corridor when they realised what happened. Some guys came up to dap Lauren up and cheer her on for getting a kiss from the hottest girl in the whole of 9th grade. A crooked smile made its way on Lauren's face when the brunette walked away, glanced back to wave at her, then joined her friends. Lauren stumbled back into Zayn and Sean, a gleeful expression plastered on her face.

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