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~In the book of life, the answers aren't in the back~

Author's POV

Birds sitting on the widow, Didn't dared to make a noise because of the aura of the dark room and it's owner, whose presences was enough to make a person Dead.

As the Silence was haunting the room with it's dark gesture, A loud sound occurred for a small device kept on the night stand, it buzzed loudly only to get thrown on to the wall, making a loud crash sound

With a Groan, Y/N woke up, staring at the alarm clock which was now laying Dead in the corner of her room

"It's the 10th one now.." Mumbling, she stood up making her way to the bathroom

Her outfit

Her bag[you can choose the one you like]

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Her bag
[you can choose the one you like]

Her bag[you can choose the one you like]

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Walking down the house was doomed in Silence, Going towards the kitchen, A not was sticking onto the fridge, saying

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Walking down the house was doomed in Silence, Going towards the kitchen, A not was sticking onto the fridge, saying

I am leaving for office, Take care of my house.... it's your frist day in your new university, so behave


"Can't promise" Whispering this, she crumbled the paper throwing it in the trash

A smile Formed on her face, as soon as she remembered about the love of her life, Running out of the house, heading Straight towards the garage, she hugged her bike,

"I missed you baby" Saying she hoped onto it and staring driving towards the university

Standing in front of a Big building, The building of the top university of Seoul, "Kim University" a university Owned by the biggest group of south korea "The Kim's"

Entering the building she stuffed her hand into her pockets, taking her earphones out, putting one in her ears, she let the music blast through her ears

People were staring at her, Gossiping about her, because why not? After all she was new right!

After asking a student, She Heading Straight towards the principal office, Not giving a Fuck to the students who were Gossiping about her

Standing in front of the door of the principals office, she Knock the door, only to hear a faint but cold voice saying "come in"

Taking a deep breath, Y/N Enter the luxurious room. There was a man in his 30s sitting on a chair. With a small smile on his face, he asked her "Do you need something?"

Y/N replied "yeah, keys to my locker." She spoke in a cold tone. Making the man Speak again. "Are you a new student here?" Without speaking anything wine just nodded her head.

The man whom she's supposed was the principle,Took  keys from his drawer and gave it to her.

"Thank you" Without even glancing at the principal again, she exited the principals office

Opening her locker she found her Schedule over there, According to that Piece of paper she had Maths

Groaning she started to find her classroom on her own, not wanting to talk with people around her

By the time she reached her classroom, she was already 15 mins late. Entering the classroom the teacher Throw the sharp glare at her, asking "why was she late?"

"Because I am new" Y/N replied simply

"It's ok you can come in, but don't be late from next time" the teacher said in s tone which was softer than before, as Y/N was walking towards an empty seat, the teacher called her
"Please introduce yourself" said the teacher
"Y/N" She spoke in a cold voice which was enough to send shivers to every person present there, Saying this she went towards the last seat which was near the window

The rest of the classes ended well. It was now the lunchtime, As Y/N entered the cafeteria she heard high Pitched shouting of students least interested to know the cause of their power Shouting Y/N grabbed a sandwich From the cafeteria and Headed straight towards the roof top

Time Skips
[end of the university]

Popping herself on couch she glanced At her wristwatch, only to curse under her breath. Gatherings All her courage going towards Her bike and drove towards a cafè, Reaching there, she went to the place of the cashier, and stood there

My worked as a cashier in that cafe. It was her part-time job.She enjoyed doing doing that job. Because being in cashier was easy after all right? all you gotta do is to just stand there and take money and return money.

Standing there she looked At first surrounding there were not Many people there just some regular customers. She glanced at a wristwatch and it was time for her shift to get Over.

She took her by keys and headed towards her house. Opening the door, She was greeted by her mother who was sitting on the couch smiling on the her phone.

Ignoring her mother she went towards her room. Changing her clothes into a much comfortable ones .She popped herself on her bed.

Her clothes

As the night wore on, the gentle sway of exhaustion enveloped her

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As the night wore on, the gentle sway of exhaustion enveloped her. With heavy eyelids drooping like petals closing at dusk, she surrendered to the comforting embrace of sleep.


To be continued... :)

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