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~Sometimes the most painful tears are the ones that fall silently within our hearts~

Author's POV

As the sun rose up, kissing the face of the girl sleeping, looking like nothing but a dead body, The sunlight was getting brighted and brighter ever second, giving her dark room a yellow-ish glow

Y/N woke up with the Groan, for the frist time in her like she was awake before her alarm, she got up from the bed, cursing herself because she forgot to put the curtains before sleeping

She looked At the time, it was still early to get ready for the university so she decided to go the gym frist, thinking this she headed towards her bathroom

Her outfit

Her outfit

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As I was about to go downstairs, I thought of taking a glance into my mother's room, walking towards there slowly I peaked into her room only to see her sleeping, Sighing I reached the stairs and stared walking down the stairs, Taking an apple from the kitchen, I went out of the house.

Time Skips [1 hrs later]

Author's POV

Y/N entered the house, sweat going all the way down towards her neck, Inside the house, She saw her mother eating her breakfast already ready for work, "where were you?" Her mother asked as soon as she saw her.

"Gym" replied Y/N in her usual Cold tone

"Hmm, Come home early today, I wanna tell you something" her mother spoke in a normal voice.

"Okay" Y/N replied, Before heading towards her room picking up her phone, Messaging the cafè owner that she won't come today

Reaching her room she went straight towards the bathroom in order to get rid of the dirty clothes

Her outfit

Picking her bag pack up, She left for the university, By the time she reached There were still 5 mins left for the class to start, taking this chance she was heading towards the rooftop When a student called her and told her that there is some wor...

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Picking her bag pack up, She left for the university, By the time she reached There were still 5 mins left for the class to start, taking this chance she was heading towards the rooftop When a student called her and told her that there is some work going on, So she can't go to the rooftop.


Why!?? Just why? Why does they have to start there work on the roof rn? I was so in a mood to get fresh air but.. Cursing Myself I took a quick glance at my watch only to widen my eyes, there were only 2 mins left for the class to start, I took a deep breath before running towards my classroom, Entering there I thanked to god cuz I was just in time

I went and Sat on the last seat which was near the window, The teacher came in and we wished her good morning and then he started his boring lecture.. I was so bored and Damm sleepy, I just want to get out of here..

I was lost in my thoughts when suddenly the door opened with a loud thud and a tall, Handsome, Bunny looking like guy entered, The teacher shouted

Teacher - Kim Jungkook Is this the time to come in my class huh?

Oo so his name is Kim Jungkook, But why such a Long Name when you can just call him bunny or bunny boy..Wait Jungkook also ryhms with Junglebook right? So we cal call him Junglebook tooo..
Aish Y/N what are you thinking huh? What if he reads my mind...? No he can't possibility do that right? I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't see that bunny guy walking towards me

Jungkook - Get Up! *Sharp*

Y/N - Why? *Cold*

Jungkook - It's my seat *Cold*

Y/N - But I don't see your name over here? *Frownig a brow*

Jungkook - How dare you talk back to me?

Y/N - With my mouth duh!! And wait that's not called "talking back" that's called "replying"

Jungkook - You-

He was cutter off by the teacher

Teacher - Jungkook go and sit behind her! And I want no talking back

Jungkook just rolled his eyes and went to sit behind me! Serves him right!

Time Skips [Lunch Time]

I entered the cafeteria, It was all crowded here, After a lot of searching! I finally found an empty table, I quickly went and and Sat there before anyone else could, Feeling proud of myself I started eating my food.. as I was about to eat my food, I heard all the girls of the university were screaming there lungs out

Girl1 - Oppa marry me

Girl2 - Oppa be my boyfriend!!!

Girl? - Oppa I love you

Boy1 - Oppa I am gay for you

Girl56 - Oppa Can I please have your number??

They were screaming there life out, if they continue to scream like this than my ears will start bleeding soon! Out of curiosity, I looked up to see why are they screaming!

I saw a group Of seven boys, A broad shoulder guy, Giving the vibe of self confidence, A tall guy with a serious face, A cat looking like guy, A guy with with cold face whose eyes says that he is a beam of sunshine, A guy with short height, A guy who was looking so Damm hot and sexy, And Junglebook- I mean Jungkook.. I was thinking deeply about who can they be until I heard a girl screaming

Girl - I am already dead by your looks Kim Taehyung

That's when it hits me hard, Realizing that one of them was Kim Taehyung, And the dude I met in my class was Kim Jungkook, They were the Kim's AKA BTS How can I Forget about them? Aish I am soo dumb.. I stated eating my food, The yelling continued, it was soo annoying bit I can't kill them all right? No I can't-

I was again deeply in my thoughts when I felt something Cold running down my face! It was Ice Cold water... Tsk Tsk the audacity of some people is just-


To be continued... :)

Thanks for Reading

☆Hope y'all are having a good day! ☆

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