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“Love is so short, forgetting is so long.”

The siblings were gathered around the dining table, half-asleep and nursing their breakfast.

Namjoon was reading the newspaper, Jin was flipping pancakes, Yoongi was sipping his coffee with a scowl, Hoseok was trying to stay awake, Jimin was picking at his food, Taehyung was staring out the window, and Jungkook was scrolling through his phone.

Y/N was trying to juggle her cereal bowl and textbook, already preparing for the day ahead at university.

The doorbell rang, cutting through the quiet morning routine. Everyone exchanged puzzled glances. They weren't expecting anyone.

"I'll get it," Namjoon sighed, folding the newspaper and getting up.

He opened the door to reveal a young woman with long, dark hair and an air of confidence. She smiled politely, though there was a hint of something inscrutable in her eyes.

"Hello, I’m Emily," she said. "I'm your cousin, your mother’s sister’s daughter."

Namjoon blinked in surprise, not expecting this kind of guest. "Uh, come in," he said, stepping aside to let her enter.

As Emily walked into the dining room, all eyes turned to her. The siblings eyed her warily, each of them assessing the newcomer.

"So, you're our cousin," Jin said, raising an eyebrow. "We've never heard of you before."

"Nice to meet you," Emily replied smoothly. "I understand this is sudden. Your parents sent me here to stay with you for a while."

Yoongi's eyes narrowed slightly. "Did they now? Excuse us for a moment."

He gestured for Namjoon to join him in a corner, where they called their father to confirm Emily's story. After a brief, cold conversation, their father confirmed that Emily was indeed sent by their parents.

The siblings returned to the table, still suspicious but slightly more at ease. Namjoon cleared his throat. "Alright, Emily. A few questions, if you don't mind."

"Of course," Emily said, sitting down and folding her hands on the table.

"Why now? Why have we never heard of you before?" Jimin asked bluntly.

Emily shrugged. "Our mothers were not on the best of terms. I suppose they kept their distance from each other. But now, with the current situation, your parents thought it best for me to be here."

"And what exactly is 'the current situation'?" Hoseok asked, eyes narrowed.

"Security reasons," Emily said vaguely. "They believe it’s safer for me to be here with family."

"Family, huh?" Taehyung muttered under his breath.

"Okay, Emily," Namjoon said, standing up. "We'll show you to your room. You can get settled in."

Emily followed Namjoon upstairs, her eyes darting around the mansion as if taking mental notes. She was shown to a guest room, where she placed her bags and sat on the bed, a satisfied smile playing on her lips.

Back downstairs, the siblings reconvened in the dining room, their breakfast growing cold.

"Who is she, really?" Y/N asked, voicing everyone's thoughts.

"She must be the 'guest' our parents mentioned," Yoongi said. "But I don't trust her. Something's off."

"Agreed," Namjoon said. "We'll have to keep an eye on her."

They finished their breakfast in silence, each lost in their thoughts about the new arrival.


After university, the siblings returned home, exhausted from another uneventful day of classes. They scattered to their rooms, not in the mood for conversation.

Y/N, however, had an assignment to finish. She opened her laptop, only to notice a strange chip attached to the motherboard.

Frowning, she pulled it out and inspected it closely. She recognized it immediately as a tracking and monitoring device.

Without wasting a second, she headed to Yoongi's room, where she found him sprawled on his bed, headphones on.

"Yoongi, I need your help," Y/N said, holding up the chip.

Yoongi took off his headphones and sat up, examining the chip. "Where did you find this?"

"In my laptop. It must have been planted there when we were at university," Y/N replied.

"Emily was the only one here," Yoongi said, his expression darkening.

They gathered all the siblings in Yoongi's room, where Y/N explained what she had found.

"This chip was in my laptop. It's a monitoring device," Y/N said. "Emily must have planted it."

The revelation didn't shock them as much as it should have. They had all been suspicious of Emily from the start.

"So, she’s here to spy on us," Jungkook said. "Typical of our parents."

"We need to act carefully," Namjoon said. "We can't let her know that we’re onto her. We’ll pretend to be distant, like we don’t trust each other. That way, she won’t suspect we’re working together."

They all nodded in agreement. Their plan was set.


The next morning, the siblings went about their day with a sense of unity hidden beneath a facade of indifference.

Emily joined them for breakfast but found the atmosphere cold and unwelcoming. The siblings barely spoke to each other, making it seem as though their bond was fragile and strained.

Throughout the day at university, they maintained the act. They avoided each other, creating the illusion of disunity. Emily, unaware of their plan, believed she had the upper hand.

But when they returned home, the siblings gathered in Yoongi's room once again, discussing their next steps and planning their moves with a newfound sense of solidarity. They knew they had to be careful, but they were determined to uncover Emily's true intentions.

As they sat together, sharing information and strategizing, they felt a sense of camaraderie stronger than ever.

Blood might not bind them all, but their loyalty to each other and their shared goals forged a bond that was unbreakable.

And so, the game began, with the siblings united against the unseen threat, ready to protect their family and their secrets at all costs.


Hey guys, I changed my way of writing about how the characters speak

Can you guys tell me which one do you feel comfortable with?

The new or the old one?

And here is a short introduction of Emily

Name : Emily Age : 16 Relation : y/n's mom's sister’s daughter

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Name : Emily
Age : 16
Relation : y/n's mom's sister’s daughter

Luv ya always

Byee <333

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