
513 19 3

~I am living in a nightmare, from which from time to time I wake in sleep~

Y/n : Lee,

Y/n replied, the name feeling foreign on her tongue.

Y/n : Lee Y/n. I don't know much about the Lees. My mother, the one who adopted me, never told me anything about my biological parents. I was five when she adopted me from an orphanage.

Y/n's voice grew softer, filled with a mix of sorrow and anger.

Y/n : My stepdad, the one who died, he was the only one who truly loved me. He meant the world to me. But now, with this new stepfather, I don't know anything about him. I'm just... lost.

Yoongi looked at her with a newfound understanding.

Yoongi : Seems like we're both searching for something. Something that makes sense in this chaotic world.

Before they could delve deeper into their conversation, a loud voice echoed from downstairs.

Jin : Dinner's ready!

Jin called out.

Y/n and Yoongi exchanged a look, both reluctant to leave but knowing they had to.

Yoongi : I guess we should go,

Yoongi  said, standing up.

Y/n nodded, standing as well.

Yoongi : Yeah. But thanks, Y/n. For listening.

Yoongi : and understanding *he wispers*

His voice was really slow and soft but found enough for y/n to hear

Y/n gave him a small, genuine smile.

Y/n : Anytime.

As they made their way downstairs, a strange sense of connection lingered between them.

They were both trapped, both searching for something more than the lives they were forced to lead. And while their conversation was left unfinished, there was a mutual understanding that they were not as alone as they had once thought

Y/n felt a strange sense of camaraderie with Yoongi.

They were both trapped in their own ways, both searching for answers in a world full of questions. And maybe, just maybe, they could find those answers together.

The dining room was filled with the clatter of dishes and the low murmur of conversation.

The rest of their brothers were already seated, waiting for them. Y/n took her usual place, feeling Yoongi's presence next to her.

The dinner proceeded as usual, with the brothers talking among themselves, their voices a comforting background noise.

But for Y/n and Yoongi, there was a silent understanding, a bond that had begun to form in the shadows of their shared pain.

As the meal came to an end, Y/n couldn't help but think about the conversation she had with Yoongi.

It had opened a door she never thought she would open, not with any of her stepbrothers. She glanced at Yoongi, who was deep in thought, and wondered if he felt the same.

After dinner, they all dispersed, going their separate ways. Y/n made her way back to her room, her mind swirling with thoughts.

She knew that her journey was far from over, and there were still many secrets left to uncover. But for the first time in a long while, she didn't feel completely alone.

Lying in bed, she allowed herself to hope. Hope that one day she would find the answers she was looking for. Hope that she and Yoongi could help each other break free from the chains that bound them.

And hope that, despite the darkness of their pasts, there was still a chance for a brighter future.


As I already told y'all that this chapter is gonna be short

And sry aging

Byee <33

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