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~It is a lonely feeling when someone you care about becomes a stranger~

The mansion was eerily quiet the morning after. The tension in the air was palpable, as if the walls themselves were holding their breath.

Y/N stood by her bedroom window, staring out at the sprawling estate. The previous night's unexpected conversation with Jungkook lingered in her mind.

She couldn't afford distractions, not with so many secrets buried within these walls.

In the kitchen, the usual silence reigned as the brothers went about their routines.

Namjoon, the eldest, sat at the head of the table, a thick book in his hands. Jin, ever the perfectionist, meticulously prepared breakfast, while Yoongi sipped his coffee, lost in thought.

Hoseok and Jimin exchanged brief nods as they entered, both opting for quiet contemplation. Taehyung and Jungkook arrived last, their expressions unreadable.

Y/N entered the kitchen, her eyes briefly meeting Jungkook's before quickly looking away.

She grabbed a slice of toast and leaned against the counter, watching the brothers interact—or rather, avoid interaction. It was a fragile peace, one that could shatter at any moment.

Namjoon finally broke the silence.

Namjoon : Dad left instructions for us to attend a charity event tonight

he said, his voice even.

Namjoon : It's important for maintaining appearances.

A collective groan echoed through the room. Jin rolled his eyes, and Yoongi let out a sigh.

Yoongi : Do we really have to?

Yoongi muttered, clearly annoyed.

"Yes," Namjoon replied firmly.

Namjoon : We can't afford any missteps, especially with the family's reputation on the line.

Y/N stayed silent, knowing her presence at such events was more of an obligation than a choice.

She had no desire to play the part of the dutiful daughter, but she understood the stakes.

As the day wore on, the mansion buzzed with preparations. Designers and stylists flitted about, ensuring everyone looked their best.

Y/N retreated to her room, seeking solace in the familiar coldness of her surroundings.

She pulled out an old photograph from her drawer—her real family, a pic of just 2 people standing, distant memory now.

The image brought a pang of longing, but she quickly shoved it back, refusing to dwell on the past.

Evening came, and the family assembled in the grand foyer. The brothers, dressed impeccably in tailored suits, exuded an air of indifference.

Her expression as cold as ever. They piled into the waiting cars, the journey to the charity event marked by silence.

Her clothes

The event itself was a blur of flashing cameras and superficial smiles

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The event itself was a blur of flashing cameras and superficial smiles. Y/N moved through the crowd, exchanging polite greetings with people she barely knew.

She spotted Jungkook across the room, his face a mask of indifference as he engaged in forced conversations.

Their eyes met briefly, a silent acknowledgment passing between them.

As the night dragged on, Y/N slipped away to a quiet corner, needing a moment to breathe.

She found herself on a balcony overlooking the city, the cool night air a welcome reprieve. She closed her eyes, letting the silence envelop her.

Jungkook : You always find the quiet spots, don't you?

Jungkook's voice broke the stillness, surprising her. He leaned against the railing, his gaze distant.

Y/N shrugged, not bothering to respond.

They stood there in silence, the weight of unspoken words hanging between them.

Despite their decision to forget the previous night, something had shifted. They both felt it.

Jungkook : Do you think this will ever end?

Jungkook asked suddenly, his voice barely above a whisper.

Y/N turned to him, her expression softening for a brief moment.

Y/n :  I don't know she admitted.

Y/n : But until it does, we survive. That's all we can do."

He nodded, understanding the gravity of her words. For now, they were allies in this tangled web of family secrets and betrayals.

And as long as they had each other, they could face whatever came their way.

The rest of the night passed in a blur, the siblings maintaining their cold exteriors.

But beneath the surface, Y/N and Jungkook knew they had forged a silent pact, one that would guide them through the shifting shadows of their uncertain future.


Really sorry for a short chapter...

Guess I am running put of ideas and motivation...

If y'all have any ideas then plz tell me.. you can tell me on wattpad or there this link of my pin on my profile.. you can tell me their also

Byee <33

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