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“Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.”

Saturday mornings in the mansion were usually quiet and slow. However, this Saturday was different.

Namjoon, in his infinite wisdom, had declared that they would have a pancake cook-off.

The challenge was simple: everyone had to make the best pancake, and the winner would get to choose what they did for the rest of the weekend.

The kitchen was bustling with activity as everyone gathered their ingredients and prepared their stations.

Namjoon: Alright, everyone. You have one hour to make the best pancake. Ready, set, go!"

Jin:  This is going to be a piece of cake. Or should I say, a piece of pancake. (Smirking)

Yoongi: I’m only doing this because you all woke me up. Don’t expect anything fancy. (Yawning)

Hoseok: Prepare to be amazed by the Hobi special.

Jimin:  Good luck, everyone. May the best chef win. (Winking at Y/N)

Taehyung: I’m going to make something you’ve never seen before.

Jungkook: Bring it on! I’m the pancake master.

Y/N: Alright, let’s see what you’ve got.

The kitchen turned into a whirlwind of flour, eggs, and milk. Each of them was focused on their task, determined to create the winning pancake.

Namjoon:  Remember, presentation counts too! (Concentrating hard)

Jin: I’ve got this in the bag. Just wait and see.  (Mixing his batter)

Yoongi: I’m keeping it simple. Sometimes, less is more.  (Sifting flour slowly)

Hoseok: My secret ingredient is going to blow your minds. (Humming to himself)

Jimin:  Careful, Hobi hyung. Too much flair and not enough substance. (Flipping a pancake in the air)

Taehyung:  You’ll all be begging for my recipe.(Adding a touch of something mysterious)

Jungkook: The golden ratio of ingredients. That’s the key.  (Focused and serious)

**Y/N:** (Smiling as she mixes) "I’m just happy to be here. Let’s have some fun."

As the pancakes began to take shape, the kitchen was filled with the delicious aroma of cooking batter. The chatter and banter made the atmosphere light and enjoyable.

Namjoon: What’s that you’re adding? (Peeking over at Jin’s station)

Jin:  Wouldn’t you like to know?(Grinning)

Yoongi:  I’m going for the classic but perfected. (Stirring his batter)

Hoseok:  Presentation is everything.(Garnishing his pancake)

Jimin: I think I’ve outdone myself this time. (Plating his pancake with finesse)

Taehyung:  It’s all about the surprise element. (Sprinkling a final touch)

Jungkook:  Let’s see who the real master is. (Finishing his pancake)

Y/N:  I hope you all like mine. (Adding a drizzle of syrup)

Once everyone finished, they gathered around the table to present their creations.

Each pancake was unique, showcasing their personalities and culinary skills.

Namjoon: Alright, let’s start the taste test. Jin, you’re up first.

Jin:  I call this ‘Heaven on a Plate’. It’s fluffy, with a hint of vanilla and topped with fresh berries. (Presenting his pancake)

Hoseok: That looks amazing!

Yoongi: I’ll be the judge of that.

They each took a bite of Jin’s pancake, nodding in approval.

Namjoon: Nice job, Jin. Next, Yoongi.

Yoongi:  Classic pancake with a touch of cinnamon. (Placing his pancake down)

Jimin: Simple, but delicious.

Taehyung: Sometimes the classics are the best.

They continued through the line, each pancake bringing something different to the table.

Hoseok’s was colorful and artistic, Jimin’s was elegant and perfectly balanced,

Taehyung’s had an unexpected but delightful taste, Jungkook’s was expertly crafted, and Y/N’s was a delightful mix of flavors that surprised everyone.

Namjoon: Alright, the moment of truth. We have to vote on the best pancake.

They wrote their votes on slips of paper and handed them to Namjoon, who tallied them up.

Namjoon: And the winner is… Y/N!

Y/N:  Really? Wow, thank you! (Surprised)

Jungkook: You deserve it. That was an amazing pancake.

Jin: I’ll admit, yours was the best.

Hoseok: Congrats, Y/N!

Yoongi: Good job. You earned it.

Taehyung: What’s your secret?

Y/N: Just a bit of love and creativity.

Namjoon: So, Y/N, what’s the plan for the rest of the weekend?"l

Y/N:  How about a movie marathon and some homemade pizza?(Thinking for a moment)

Jimin: Perfect! I’m in.

Hoseok: Sounds like a great plan.

Yoongi: As long as I get a nap in between.

Jungkook:Count me in for the pizza making.

Taehyung: And the movie choices?"

Y/N: We’ll take turns picking. Everyone gets a chance."

The rest of the weekend was filled with laughter, movies, and delicious homemade pizza.

They lounged around the living room, sharing stories, teasing each other, and simply enjoying each other's company.

It was a perfect way to unwind and strengthen their bond.

Namjoon: This was a great idea, Y/N.

Y/N: Thanks, Namjoon. I’m glad we did this.

Jin: We should make this a regular thing.

Hoseok: Definitely. Game night, pancake cook-off, movie marathon. We have plenty of ideas.

Yoongi: Just don’t forget the naps.

Jimin: And the snacks.

Taehyung: And the fun.

Jungkook: Agreed. This is what family is all about.

As they settled in for the final movie of the night, Y/N looked around at her brothers, feeling a sense of belonging and happiness.

This was her family, bound not by blood but by love, trust, and the countless moments they shared together. And she wouldn’t have it any other way.



Hru? I [J]hope y'all are fine

Byee <33

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