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"Your tears are not a sign of weakness"

Monday morning dawned with its usual reluctance, the mansion bathed in the soft glow of early sunlight.

Inside, the step-siblings stirred from their slumber, each grappling with the prospect of starting a new week.

Y/N, in particular, found herself wishing she could linger in bed a little longer, the memory of Sunday's movie marathon still fresh in her mind.

Downstairs, Namjoon was already in full 'leader' mode, barking orders for everyone to get ready for university.

His insistence was met with groans and protests, but ultimately, they all begrudgingly complied.

Jin took extra time to fix his hair, Taehyung couldn't decide on an outfit, and Hoseok managed to spill coffee on himself twice before they finally piled into the car.

The drive to university was filled with sleepy silence, the morning traffic barely registering as they navigated through the city streets.

Y/N stared out the window, lost in her thoughts, while the others exchanged occasional comments about their respective classes and assignments.

Upon arrival, they parted ways, each heading to their own lectures and tutorials.

Y/N found herself in the familiar hallways of the university, blending into the crowd of students rushing to their morning classes.

Despite the bustling atmosphere, she felt a pang of loneliness, a stark reminder of her lack of friends in this new environment.

Throughout the morning, lectures passed in a blur of note-taking and occasional glances at the clock.

Y/N's mind wandered back to the mansion, where chaos and laughter had reigned just a day ago.

She couldn't help but smile at the memory, grateful for the fleeting sense of belonging it had brought her.

At lunchtime, Y/N hesitated in the bustling cafeteria, scanning the room for an empty table.

Her brothers, scattered across the university grounds, instinctively glanced her way, but she shook her head subtly.

She didn't want to disrupt their routines or draw attention from the fangirls who often surrounded them.

Instead, she found a quiet corner outside, away from the chatter and laughter of her peers.

Pulling out her lunch, she tried to focus on eating, but her thoughts kept drifting back to the mansion and the bond she was slowly forming with her stepbrothers.

Meanwhile, inside the cafeteria, Namjoon, Jin, Yoongi, Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook sat together at a large table, their presence drawing curious glances from other students.

Conversations flowed easily among them, ranging from university gossip to plans for the upcoming week.

Namjoon frowned slightly as he noticed Y/N sitting alone outside. He nudged Jin, who followed his gaze and sighed.

Jin : Should we invite her over?

Yoongi shook his head, sipping his coffee thoughtfully.

Yoongi : She said no. Let her be.

Hoseok glanced at Jungkook, who seemed lost in thought.

Hoseok: She'll come around.

Jimin chimed in,

Jimin : Yeah, we just need to give her time.

Taehyung, ever the optimist, added,

Taehyung: Maybe she'll join us next time.

Back outside, Y/N finished her lunch and checked her schedule. The afternoon promised more lectures and group discussions, but she couldn't shake the feeling of isolation.

She missed the camaraderie of the movie night, the shared laughter and inside jokes that had briefly bridged the gap between them.

As classes wound down in the late afternoon, Y/N found herself heading towards the university gates, ready to escape the confines of academia.

She spotted her stepbrothers waiting by the entrance, their expressions a mix of relief and exhaustion.

Namjoon : Ready to go home?

Namjoon asked, offering a tired smile.

Y/N nodded, falling into step beside them as they made their way to the car. The drive back to the mansion was quieter than usual, the day's events weighing on their minds.

Upon arrival, they headed straight to the kitchen, where Taehyung unearthed a stash of ice cream from the freezer.

Bowls were quickly filled, and they gathered in the living room, a sense of relaxation finally settling over them.

Conversation flowed freely as they lounged on the couches, sharing anecdotes from their day and discussing plans for the evening.

Jin teased Taehyung about his latest art project, while Hoseok and Jimin recounted their failed attempts at karaoke during lunch break.

Yoongi, leaning back with a contented sigh, remarked,

Yoongi : Not a bad way to end a Monday.

Jungkook nodded in agreement, his eyes flickering towards Y/N.

Jungkook : We should do this more often.

Y/N smiled faintly, feeling a warmth spread through her chest. Despite her initial reservations, she was starting to appreciate these moments of togetherness.

The mansion, once a cold and unfamiliar place, was slowly becoming a sanctuary she could call home.

As the evening wore on, they gradually dispersed to their rooms, each retreating into their own space.

Y/N lingered for a moment, watching her stepbrothers go their separate ways with a newfound sense of gratitude.

Alone in her room, she reflected on the day's events. Despite the challenges and uncertainties, she was beginning to see the value in the bonds they were forming.

Family didn't always mean shared blood; sometimes, it was about choosing each other, through chaos and quiet moments alike.

As she drifted off to sleep that night, Y/N couldn't help but feel optimistic about the future.

The road ahead might be filled with obstacles, but with her stepbrothers by her side, she knew she could face whatever came their way.

And so, in the quiet of the mansion, under the watchful gaze of the moonlight, they found solace in each other's company, their laughter echoing through the halls as they navigated the complexities of family and friendship.

The mansion which always feeling like a prison, is slowly Turning in a comfort zone.. but will it always be like this?

Or will this mansion will make then remember their deeply buried secrets


I [J] hope y'all enjoying the story


and my dear readers, y'all know that you can comment on this story, itz free of cost, I won't come to your house to murder you if you commented here

Byee <33

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