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"When you're happy, you enjoy the music, but when you're sad, you understand the lyrics."

It was a lazy Sunday afternoon in the mansion. The siblings were scattered around, each engrossed in their own activities. Namjoon was in his study, poring over books and notes.

Jin was in the kitchen experimenting with a new recipe. Yoongi had disappeared into his music studio. Hoseok was practicing his dance moves in the living room.

Jimin and Taehyung were playing video games in the entertainment room. Jungkook was out in the garden, tending to the plants.

Y/N found herself wandering through the halls, her curiosity piqued by a door she had never noticed before. It was tucked away in a corner of the mansion, slightly ajar.

The door looked old, its wood weathered and the handle rusty. It seemed out of place in the otherwise pristine mansion.

Intrigued, Y/N approached the door and pushed it open slowly. Inside, she found a small room filled with dusty old furniture covered in white sheets. It appeared to be a forgotten storage room, untouched for years.

Y/N:  What is this place?(Curiously)

She stepped inside, brushing dust off an old armchair. As she explored further, she noticed a large wooden chest tucked away in a corner.

The chest was locked with an ornate padlock, its surface adorned with intricate carvings.

Y/N: A locked chest? I wonder what could be inside.

She examined the padlock, running her fingers over the carvings. It seemed ancient, its metal cool to the touch. Y/N tried to open it, but it wouldn't budge.

Y/N:  I wonder if anyone knows about this room. (Thinking aloud)

Deciding to investigate further, Y/N closed the door quietly and went in search of her siblings. She found Namjoon first, deep in thought in his study.

Y/N: Namjoon, do you know about a locked room in the mansion?

Namjoon:  A locked room? No, I don't. Where is it? (Looking up, intrigued)

Y/N explained, leading Namjoon down the hall to the mysterious door. They entered the room together, and Namjoon inspected the locked chest with interest.

Namjoon:  This is fascinating. I wonder why it's locked. (Studying the padlock)

Y/N: Do you think there could be something valuable inside?

Namjoon: Possibly. Or it could be something that belonged to the previous owners.

They tried to open the chest again, but it remained stubbornly locked.

Namjoon: We might need a key or find someone who knows more about this room.

They left the room and went to find Jin in the kitchen, who was whipping up something delicious.

Jin:  A locked room? How mysterious. Have you tried opening it? (Listening attentively)

Y/N: Yes, but it's locked tight. Do you have any idea who might know about it?

Jin:,Hmm, maybe the estate manager or someone who has been here longer than us.

They thanked Jin and went to search for Yoongi next, finding him lost in his music.

Yoongi:  A locked room? Sounds like the beginning of a mystery novel.(Raising an eyebrow)

Y/N: Do you know anything about it?

Yoongi: Nope, sorry. I've never noticed it before.

Undeterred, they continued their search, finding Hoseok dancing in the living room.

Hoseok:  A locked room? How intriguing! Let's go check it out. (Excitedly)

They led Hoseok to the room, and he examined the chest with them.

Hoseok: Maybe it's filled with treasure or old artifacts.

With no luck in unlocking the chest, they decided to gather everyone in the living room to discuss their findings.

Namjoon: Alright, everyone. We have a mystery on our hands.

Jin: A locked room in our own mansion. This is exciting.

Yoongi: Could be something valuable inside.

Hoseok: Or something mysterious.

Jimin: I wonder who owned it before us.

Taehyung: Maybe it's haunted.

Jungkook: Let's break the lock and find out.

Y/N: Wait, let's not break anything just yet.

They debated their next move, contemplating whether to search for a key or find someone who knew more about the room's history.

Namjoon: I'll talk to the estate manager and see if he knows anything.

Jin: I'll check the library for any records about this mansion.

Yoongi: I'll see if there are any hidden compartments or secret passages.

Hoseok: I'll ask around the staff. Someone must know something."

Jimin: I'll look for old photographs or clues that might give us a hint.

Taehyung: I'll explore the garden. Maybe there's something buried out there.

Jungkook: I'll keep an eye out for any suspicious activity.

Y/N: And I'll research online to see if there's any information about this mansion.

They split up, each on their own mission to uncover the secrets of the locked room. As they delved deeper into the mystery, they couldn't help but feel excited by the prospect of discovering something unexpected within their own home.


Sry for this shitty chapter

Btw I am writing another story!

It's a romantic bts ff [any guess which member? ]


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