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Y/n couldn't shake the memories of her father and her best friend's broken promise. It felt like a heavy weight pressing down on her chest.

The mansion was suffocating, each room filled with shadows and secrets. She needed a distraction, something to take her mind off the past.

The silence of the house felt oppressive As she wandered aimlessly through the long corridors of the mansion, she found herself standing in front of Yoongi's door.

She didn't have any particular reason for being there. In fact, she didn't even like her stepbrothers, and she was sure the feeling was mutual.

She hesitated, her hand hovering over the doorknob. They had no bond, no reason to interact, but something compelled her to turn the handle and step inside.

But something pulled her towards the door. Perhaps it was the lingering sense of sadness she had noticed in Yoongi's eyes whenever she caught a glimpse of him. It mirrored her own.

Taking a deep breath, she knocked softly and pushed the door open.

Yoongi was sitting on the edge of his bed, his face a mask of conflicting emotions. He looked up sharply, his eyes narrowing in annoyance.

Yoongi : What do you want?

he asked, his voice as cold as ice.

Y/n stepped into the room, feeling the tension in the air.

Y/n : I just... I needed to get out of my head for a while

she said honestly.

Y/n : I saw your door and... here I am.

Yoongi's expression softened just a fraction, enough for Y/n to notice. He looked away, staring at the floor.

Yoongi : No one comes into my room

he muttered.

Yoongi : Not even my brothers.

Y/n : I can leave if you want

Y/n offered, already taking a step back.

Yoongi : No, stay

Yoongi said quickly, surprising both himself and her.

Yoongi : I mean... it's fine. You can stay.

Y/n walked over to a chair by the window and sat down. The room was surprisingly sparse, with only the bare essentials.

It reflected Yoongi's personality perfectly—minimalistic and guarded.

Yoomgi : Why are you here, really?

Yoongi asked after a long silence.

Yoongi : You don't strike me as someone who does things without a reason.

Y/n hesitated, unsure how much to reveal.

Y/n : I guess I saw something in you that reminded me of myself

she said carefully.

Y/n : You always look like you're carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders.

Yoongi let out a bitter laugh.

Yoongi : You have no idea,

he said. He paused, as if debating whether to continue. Finally, he took a deep breath.

Yoongi : Do you ever feel like you're trapped, Y/n? Like no matter what you do, you're just stuck in this endless cycle?

Y/n nodded slowly.

Y/n : Every day.

A simple reply that leads to a meaning deeper than the ocean alone

Yoongi looked at her, really looked at her, for the first time.

Yoongi : We have more in common than I thought

he said quietly.

Yoongi : I feel trapped too. Not just in this mansion, but in my own life.

He sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

Yoongi : We may all live here under the same roof, but we're not all truly 'Kim's'. My real name is Min Yoongi. But to everyone here, I'm just another Kim. My brothers and I, we were all adopted by Kim Dong-wook. But not all of us are Kims by blood. I'm not. Namjoon, Taehyung an Jin are, but the rest of us... we're not.

Yoongi :  I'm Min Yoongi, the last heir of the Min family.

Y/n's eyes widened in surprise.

Y/n : Min family? I've never heard of them.

He nodded.

Y/n listened intently, sensing that Yoongi was about to reveal something deeply personal.

Yoongi : That's because they no longer exist. I found out a while ago that my real family, the Mins, no longer exists.  I was the last heir of the Min family, but I've always been known as a Kim.

Yoongi :  The last heir before me was killed in a mysterious way.  no one has ever found the murderer. The murder was never solved. My family...the Min family, whose symbol was protection, couldn't even protect its own bloodline.

Yoongi's voice grew softer, tinged with pain.

Yoongi : I was adopted by Kim Dong-wook when I was five. I was always told he was my real dad, but I But I knew. I always knew I wasn't truly one of them.  Growing up in the mafia world, I decided to become a hacker. Not just to help our group become the most powerful in the underworld, but also to find out my own family secrets.

Y/n's heart ached for Yoongi. She could see the torment in his eyes, the burden of carrying such a heavy truth.

Y/n : And what did you find?

she asked gently, breaking her own walls

Yoongi shook his head.

Yoongi : Nothing concrete. Just fragments, pieces of a puzzle that don't fit together. I'm trapped here, Y/n. I don't know what to do or where to go. My brothers, they're all I've got, but even they don't understand.

Y/n felt a pang of sympathy for him.

Y/n : That sounds...incredibly hard. To carry that burden alone.

He looked at her, his eyes filled with a mixture of pain and resolve.

Yoongi : It is. And now, I don't know what to do. Where to go. I'm lost.

There was a long silence, filled only with the sound of their breathing. Finally, Yoongi turned to Y/n.

Yoongi : What about you? What's your full name?


Hey guys...

As my schools are about to start again.. I am thinking of writing till atleast chapter 30

And le me tell y'all one thing... The next chapter is going to be short.. so sorry for that in advance

Anyways I [J] hope y'all enjoyed the chapter

Byee <333

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