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~I'm not living, just surviving~

As they strategized, Y/N felt a strange mix of fear and determination. She had spent years building walls around her heart, but now, faced with a common threat, she realized those walls might need to come down.

For the first time, she felt a sense of unity with her stepbrothers, a need to protect their family, even if it was fractured and complicated.

Jungkook caught her eye, a silent promise passing between them. Whatever happened next, they would face it together.

The bonds of blood might be complicated, but in this moment, they were stronger than ever.

The tension in the room was palpable as they all moved to action.

Namjoon and Jin began discussing a strategy in hushed tones, while Yoongi grabbed his laptop

fingers flying over the keyboard as he attempted to hack into the security system to gain a visual on the intruder.

Y/n : Where could they have come in from?

Y/N asked, her mind racing through the various entry points of the mansion.

Jin : Most likely the back gate

Jin replied, his voice calm but focused.

Jin : It's the least guarded area at night.

Yoongi cursed under his breath.

Yoongi : The cameras are down. Someone's been tampering with our system.

Namjoon's jaw tightened.

Namjoon : This isn't just a random break-in. Someone planned this

Jungkook, who had been silent, stepped forward.

Jungkook : We need to split up and cover more ground. Y/N and I will check the back gate. Namjoon, you and Jin take the front. Yoongi, stay here and keep trying to get the system back online.

Namjoon nodded, appreciating the decisiveness in Jungkook's voice.

Namjoon : Be careful

he warned.

Y/N and Jungkook made their way through the dimly lit hallways, their footsteps silent on the plush carpet.

The mansion, usually a place of cold detachment for Y/N, now felt like a battlefield. Her heart pounded in her chest, not just from fear, but from the adrenaline coursing through her veins.

They reached the back gate, the cool night air hitting their faces. The gate was ajar, swaying slightly in the breeze.

Jungkook : Someone definitely came through here

Jungkook murmured, his eyes scanning the shadows.

Y/N nodded, her senses heightened.

Y/n : Let's move quietly. If they're still here, we need to take them by surprise.

They crept along the garden path, the moon casting eerie shadows on the ground.

Every rustle of leaves and creak of branches set their nerves on edge. As they neared the edge of the property, they spotted a figure crouched near the fence, fiddling with what looked like a small device.

Y/n : There

Y/N whispered, pointing.

Jungkook nodded, signaling for her to stay low. They approached the intruder, their movements synchronized.

Just as they were about to pounce, the figure turned, eyes wide with surprise.

??? : Wait!

the intruder hissed, holding up their hands.

𝑩𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒅 𝑻𝒊𝒆𝒔 || 𝐁𝐓𝐒 𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐅𝐅Where stories live. Discover now