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~Sometimes, the worst place you can be is in your own head~

The morning after their victory over Kwon Jae-Sung, the atmosphere in the mansion was surprisingly calm.

Y/N found herself sitting in the kitchen, sipping on a cup of tea as she reflected on the events of the previous night.

The adrenaline rush had worn off, leaving a sense of quiet satisfaction in its wake.

She glanced around the room, taking in the familiar surroundings. Namjoon and Jin were engrossed in a conversation about their next steps in protecting the family business.

Yoongi was typing away on his laptop, likely digging deeper into the connections of their recent enemy.

Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook were nowhere to be seen, likely catching up on much-needed rest after the night's events.

Y/N's thoughts drifted to Jungkook. Despite their unspoken bond, she couldn't shake the feeling of curiosity about him.

What was it about him that made her feel... safe? She pushed the thought aside, focusing instead on the warmth of her tea.

Just then, the doorbell rang, breaking the peaceful silence of the morning. Y/N looked up, curious about who it could be at this hour. Namjoon got up to answer the door, his expression guarded.

He returned a moment later, accompanied by a woman Y/N didn't recognize.

She was elegant and poised, with a gentle smile that put Y/N at ease. Namjoon introduced her as Hana, a longtime friend of their late mother.

"It's nice to meet you, Y/N," Hana said warmly, extending her hand.

Y/N nodded, her curiosity piqued. "Likewise, Hana. Please, have a seat."

Hana took a seat at the kitchen table, her eyes scanning the room thoughtfully. There was a quiet grace about her that commanded respect, and Y/N found herself intrigued by this unexpected visitor.

Namjoon poured Hana a cup of tea, and they settled into a comfortable silence. Y/N couldn't help but wonder why Hana had come to visit them now, of all times.

After a moment, Hana spoke, her voice soft yet firm. "I've known your family for many years, Y/N. Your mother and I were close friends growing up."

Y/N raised an eyebrow, her interest growing. "You knew my mother?"

Hana nodded, a hint of sadness in her eyes. "Yes. We were inseparable as children. But life has a way of pulling people apart."

Namjoon glanced at Y/N, a silent question in his eyes. Y/N took a deep breath, suddenly aware of the weight of her past. She had spent so many years trying to forget, trying to bury the memories that haunted her.

"I'm sorry," Hana continued gently. "I didn't mean to bring up painful memories."

Y/N shook her head, forcing a small smile. "It's okay. I... I've come to terms with it."

Hana nodded understandingly. "Your mother loved you very much, Y/N. She always spoke of you with such pride."

Y/N's heart clenched at the mention of her mother. She had been a complicated woman, filled with contradictions. But despite everything, Y/N had loved her fiercely.

"I'm sure she did," Y/N murmured, her voice barely above a whisper.

There was a moment of silence as they each processed their own thoughts. Y/N couldn't help but feel a strange sense of connection to Hana, as if they were bound together by something beyond their control.

After a moment, Hana spoke again, her voice tinged with determination. "I came here today because I have something important to tell you, Y/N."

Y/N's curiosity was piqued. "What is it?"

Hana took a deep breath, her gaze steady. "Your mother... she had secrets. Secrets that she tried to protect you from."

Y/N frowned, her mind racing. "What kind of secrets?"

Hana hesitated, as if choosing her words carefully. "Your mother was involved in things... things that she couldn't escape from. Things that put her life at risk."

Y/N's heart skipped a beat. "What do you mean?"

Hana leaned forward, her expression grave. "There were people who wanted to hurt her, Y/N. People who would stop at nothing to get what they wanted."

Y/N felt a chill run down her spine. She had always suspected that there was more to her mother's life than met the eye. But hearing it confirmed sent a wave of unease through her.

"Why are you telling me this now?" Y/N asked, her voice tinged with urgency.

Hana's gaze softened. "Because I believe you have a right to know. And because I promised your mother that I would look out for you."

Y/N's head was spinning with questions. "What else did she hide from me?"

Hana sighed, her expression somber. "I wish I could tell you everything, Y/N. But some secrets are better left buried."

Y/N clenched her fists, frustration and fear bubbling up inside her. "I need to know, Hana. I need to understand."

Hana reached out, placing a comforting hand on Y/N's arm. "I know, dear. And in time, you will. But for now, focus on the present. Focus on protecting yourself and your family."

Y/N nodded slowly, her mind racing with possibilities. She had spent so long pushing away her past, trying to forge a new path for herself. But now, faced with the truth, she realized that she couldn't escape who she was.

"Thank you, Hana," Y/N said sincerely. "For everything."

Hana smiled warmly. "You're welcome, Y/N. Remember, you're not alone. You have family here who will always support you."

As they sat together in the kitchen, Y/N felt a sense of peace settle over her. The road ahead was uncertain, filled with challenges and unknown dangers. But with Hana's guidance and the support of her newfound family, Y/N knew she could face whatever came next.

As the afternoon sun filtered through the windows, casting a warm glow over the kitchen, Y/N realized that she was finally home.


Hii <3 [J]hope y'all are doing fine

Lobe ya ♡

Byee <3

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