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~In the sea of life, Sometimes we drown in our own thoughts~

Author's POV

Somewhere in Kim mansion, A man sitting in the living room, His Aura demanded dominance, Power, Money. Yet he didn't need to worry about any of those, He have them all! What could you possibility even ask for when the whole underworld revolved around your fingers?

Yes, He was the king of the underworld, Kim Dong-wook, A man whose name alone struck fear into the hearts of those who dared to cross him. With an empire built on blood, loyalty and trust

Apart from being Powerful, he was also a Kim, He was never taught how to lose

but beneath the closed doors, laid a soft and delicate heart, he never killed any innocent soul but also killed the devil like mercy was a word that was kept hidden from him, he cared for his son's more than his empire, but his care was always showed with scolding and strictness.

Mr. Kim - Jack!

He called the name, with the voice of dominance, Power and ruthless

Without wasting any second, in the fear of losing his precious life, the guy named Jack appeared Infront of him in less than a second

Jack - Y-Yes b-boss *scared*

Mr. Kim- Go and call them

Jack ran upstairs, still wanting to live his life, Reaching there he Knocked the elders door, seems like he got lucky all the kin brothers aka Bangtan Sonyeondan sitting there sending shivers down his spine

Jack - sircalledyoualldownstairs

Jin - Can you speak in human language?

He said while shooting sharp glares towards jack sending shivers down his spine

Jack - Y-Young M-Master, S-Sir C-Called You-All i-in the l-living r-room

Jin - Tell him that we are coming

He said and closed the door shut on Jack's face, Jack againg ran downstairs

Jack - S-Sir they s-said that-t th-they ar-e com-coming

Mr. Kim - Hmm

Soon several footsteps heard throughout the Kim mansion

Suga - Dad you called us?

Mr. Kim - yeah, I want to tell you all something, Come and have a seat

As all the were seated down Mr. Kim stared

Mr. Kim - Listen kids, I want you all to listen to me very carefully and no discussion over it OK?

They all nodded like a lost puppy

Mr. Kim - I have a girlfriend and I want to marry her!

All - WHAT?

Mr.Kim - Calm Down kids listen to me frist

Suga - How can you forget mom dad?

Jungkook - this can't be happening right?

Taehyung- You can't do that to us right dad?


As he shouted, the Kim mansion was eaten by dead Silence

Mr. Kim - I love her and I will marry her. And I don't want any other discussion over this. Got it?

All the brothers nodded, Mr. Kim got up and was about to left the room but he stopped! Turned around and spoke

Mr. Kim - You all are having a stepsister too and I want you to behave nicely

He said and And when towards his bedroom

Jungkook- Whatever! She can never replace mom!

Taehyung- yeah! I will never accept both of them



Mom - Yeah-Yeah Let's go

She said and walked towards the car, I stuffed my hands in my pocket took my airpord's out, Putting them in my ears, blasting music runs through one of my ears, I went outside followed my mom....

The while ride was completely silent, None of us spoke anything

Time Skips [1 hrs later]

We reached Infront of a bigg ass mansion

The mansion

Omg!!! It's just beautiful I wanna scream right now but I have to keep a cold face or people will think of me as a weird person

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Omg!!! It's just beautiful I wanna scream right now but I have to keep a cold face or people will think of me as a weird person

Going inside, The gaurds didn't stop my mom, But they surely did stopped me

Guard 1 - Miss, You can't go inside

Mom - Let her in, she is my daughter

Guard- Sorry ma'am

Saying this he bowed to me and my Mom and let me in, that means that mom comes here offen, cause everyone is greeting her...

We reached Infront of the gate, mom ringed the doorbell, After few seconds and man in which I assume is in his early 40's cam out and hugged my mom

Mom - You must be Y/N

Y/N - Yeah...

Man - I am Mr. Kim *sweet smile*

I nodded my head in response to his gesture

Mr. Kim - please come inside!

We followed him inside omg it's soo freaking amazing from the inside too

Mr. Kim - Pleas sit till I call my son's..


As a couple of more seconds passed I heard footsteps... or really loud footsteps... I looked up to see the people I least expected


The Kim's or Bts, I litterly forgot to breath for a movement, Not like I was scared of them but it's just shocking! They all were shooting dead glares at me expect one.....


To be continued... :)

Who do you it the person would be?

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