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~Sometimes you have to know when to stop hoping~

The mansion’s walls had always felt like they were closing in on Y/n, but today, they seemed even more oppressive.

She walked through the empty hallways, her footsteps echoing in the silence.

The brothers were scattered around the mansion, keeping to themselves as usual.

Her mind drifted back to the memories she had long tried to bury, the reasons behind her icy exterior.

As she entered her room, she sat by the window, staring out at the darkening sky.

The memories began to flood back, each one more painful than the last.

**Flashback: Six Years Ago**

Y/n was ten, a bright-eyed girl full of dreams and hopes. Her father was her hero, a kind and loving man who always made time for her.

They would spend hours together, reading books, going on walks, and talking about everything under the sun.

He was the anchor in her life, the one who made her feel safe and cherished.

One evening, they were sitting in their small, cozy living room.

Her father was reading a book while Y/n worked on her homework. The warmth of the fireplace made the room feel even more inviting.

Y/n : Dad, do you think I’ll ever be as good at math as you?

Y/n asked, looking up from her textbook.

Her father smiled, his eyes twinkling.

Dad : Of course, sweetheart. You can be anything you want to be. Just keep working hard and never give up.

Y/n beamed at his words, feeling a surge of confidence. She loved these moments with him, the sense of security and love that enveloped her. But the happiness was short-lived.

~~Few days later~~

Y/n : Daddy, do you think we can finish this by my birthday?

she had asked one day, her eyes shining with excitement.

He had smiled down at her, ruffling her hair.

Dad : Of course, sweetheart. We'll have it done, and it will be the best birthday ever.

But that birthday never came. The memory shifted to the day she learned of his death.

Her mother, cold and detached, had delivered the news without a trace of emotion.

Mom : Your father's plane crashed. He's not coming back

she had said, her voice flat.

Y/n remembered the numbness that had enveloped her, the way the world had seemed to stop spinning.

She had run to her room, locking the door and collapsing onto her bed. The grief was unbearable, but it was the loneliness that truly broke her.

Her mother offered no comfort, no shoulder to cry on. It was then that Y/n began to build the walls around her heart, each brick laid with the pain of loss and betrayal

The funeral was a blur of black-clad figures and tear-streaked faces. Y/n felt like she was floating in a nightmare, disconnected from reality. The man who had been her everything was no more, and her world came crashing down.

𝑩𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒅 𝑻𝒊𝒆𝒔 || 𝐁𝐓𝐒 𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐅𝐅Where stories live. Discover now