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“I wish I were a little girl again because skinned knees are easier to fix than a broken heart.”

The next morning was a typical Monday. The siblings trudged through the usual motions of getting ready for university.

The buzz and energy from their previous night of sharing funny stories had dissipated, leaving behind the dull anticipation of a routine day.

Namjoon: Come on, everyone. We have to get going or we’ll be late.

Yoongi: I'm already late in my mind.

Jungkook: Can't we just skip today?

Taehyung: Agreed. Mondays should be illegal.

But Namjoon, ever the responsible leader, herded them all out the door. The day at university dragged on. Lectures felt endless, the subjects boring.

They shuffled from one class to another, heads heavy with disinterest.

During lunch, they huddled together at their usual table, too tired to even make small talk.

Jimin: Is it just me, or is today exceptionally boring?

Y/N: Definitely not just you. I feel like a zombie.

Hoseok: This is the most unmotivated I’ve felt in a while.

The afternoon was no better. By the time their last class ended, they were all ready to collapse.

When they finally made it back home, they collectively flopped onto the couches in the living room, sighing in unison.

Jin: I don’t think I’ve ever been this tired.

Yoongi: Speak for yourself. I'm always this tired.

Just as they began to relax, Namjoon's phone buzzed. He frowned as he saw the caller ID.

Namjoon: It's Mom.

A tense silence fell over the room. They rarely heard from their parents, and when they did, it was never good news. Namjoon answered, putting the call on speaker.

Namjoon: Hello?

Their mother's voice was the infamous fake sweet tone as ever.

Mother: Namjoon, how are things going?

Namjoon: Fine. What do you want?

Mother: Is that any way to speak to your mother?

Namjoon: Just get to the point.

Mother: Very well. Your father and I have decided that a guest will be staying with you until we return.

The announcement hung in the air like a dark cloud. The siblings exchanged uneasy glances.

Namjoon: Who is it?

Mother: You'll find out soon enough. They'll be arriving tomorrow. Make sure to treat them well.

Jin: And why are they coming?

Mother: That's none of your concern.

Y/N: It’s always our concern.

Mother: Just do as you're told.

With that, the call ended abruptly. The room was thick with tension and suspicion.

Hoseok: What do you think this is about?

Yoongi: Nothing good, that’s for sure.

Jimin: They’ve probably sent someone to spy on us.

Taehyung: Or worse.

Jungkook: We need to be on our guard.

Namjoon: Agreed. Whoever this is, we can’t trust them.

They all knew their parents well enough to understand that any decision made was never for their benefit.

This unexpected guest was a wild card, and they needed to prepare for whatever might come next.

Y/N: Do you think it’s someone from their circle?

Namjoon: Most likely. They wouldn't send just anyone.

The siblings sat in brooding silence, each lost in their thoughts. The idea of an outsider invading their space, especially someone sent by their parents, was unsettling.

They had worked hard to build a semblance of normalcy and trust amongst themselves, and this guest threatened to disrupt that delicate balance.

Jin: We need to stay united on this. No matter what happens, we can’t let this person get between us.

Namjoon: Agreed. We need to keep our guard up and not let our emotions get the better of us.

Hoseok: But what if they're dangerous?

Yoongi: Then we handle it. Together.

Jimin: Do you think it’s someone we've met before?

Taehyung: It doesn't matter who it is. We need to stay vigilant.

As the evening wore on, the siblings remained on edge. They knew their parents' tactics too well – manipulation, deceit, control.

This unexpected guest was likely a pawn in their parents' larger game, and they needed to be ready for anything.

They decided to spend the night strategizing, planning for various scenarios.

Each sibling had a role to play, and they were determined not to be caught off guard. Their bond, forged in adversity, was their greatest strength.

As they huddled together in the dimly lit living room, they felt the weight of the impending arrival.

Yet, amidst the tension, there was a resolute sense of unity. Whatever tomorrow brought, they would face it together.

Namjoon: Remember, we’re stronger together. No matter who this guest is, we won't let them tear us apart.

The siblings nodded in agreement, a silent pact made among them. The night stretched on, but their resolve remained unbroken.

They had faced countless challenges before, and they would face this one too, side by side.

And so, with a mixture of dread and determination, they prepared for the unknown guest who would arrive the next day.


Guys I swear I am not gonna eat or kill you if y'all comment on my story

Anyways I [J] hope you are liking the story


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