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“Heavy hearts, like heavy clouds in the sky, are best relieved by the letting of a little water.”

After a long week of classes, assignments, and Namjoon's relentless insistence on punctuality, the crew decided they needed a break. A group chat discussion quickly escalated into a plan for an epic game night.

They gathered in the living room, armed with snacks, drinks, and a stack of board games, video games, and even some random challenges they'd come up with on the spot.

Namjoon:  Alright, who's ready to lose?

He said while Setting up a board game

Jin:  Please, Namjoon. The only thing you’re good at is being a nerd (Cracking open a bag of chips)

Yoongi:  I’m just here for the food and to watch you all argue. (Stretching out on the couch)

Hoseok: Don’t worry, Yoongi. You’ll be up and dancing soon enough. (Setting up a dance game on the console)

Jimin :I can’t wait to see Yoongi try to dance. That’s worth staying awake for. (Winking)

Taehyung:  Alright, let’s start with some Mario Kart. Who’s in? (Grabbing the remote)

Jungkook: Bring it on. I’m taking all of you down. (Already holding a controller)

Y/N:  This is going to be fun. But I’m warning you, I’m pretty competitive. (Settling between Yoongi and Jin)

The night kicked off with a few intense rounds of Mario Kart. True to his word, Jungkook was a formidable opponent,

but Jin's sneaky tactics and Taehyung's unpredictable gameplay kept everyone on their toes.

Jungkook: No way! How did you pass me at the last second, Jin?

Jin:Secret sauce, Kookie. Secret sauce. (Smirking)

Namjoon: I swear, Jin must have a cheat code or something.

Y/N: Or he’s just really good at this. Come on, let's switch games. What’s next?"

Hoseok: Dance battle! Let’s see those moves, people."

The living room transformed into a dance floor as they took turns competing in a dance-off. Hoseok, as expected, dazzled everyone with his smooth moves,

but Taehyung's freestyle and Jimin’s sheer enthusiasm made it a tough competition.

Jimin:  I think I just invented a new move.(Panting)

Taehyung: Yeah, it’s called the ‘flailing noodle’. Pretty impressive."

Yoongi:  I think I’ll stick to watching. (Chuckling)

Y/N: Oh, no you don’t. Come on, Yoongi, let’s see what you’ve got.

Despite his protests, Yoongi was dragged onto the dance floor. His stiff, awkward movements had everyone in stitches, but the effort he put in was enough to earn him a round of applause.

Yoongi: Never again. (Collapsing back onto the couch)

Namjoon: Alright, how about a trivia game next? Something a bit more my speed.

The trivia game revealed surprising facts about everyone. Namjoon's vast knowledge was impressive, but Jin’s random facts and Taehyung’s bizarre guesses kept the game lively.

Hoseok: I never knew you knew so much about ancient civilizations, Namjoon.

Namjoon: What can I say? I’m a history buff."

Jungkook: And here I thought you were just a bookworm."

As the night progressed, they moved on to charades, where Hoseok’s over-the-top acting and Yoongi’s deadpan expressions led to uncontrollable laughter.

Y/N: Okay, Yoongi, your turn. What’s this one?"

Yoongi: Sleeping. (Standing up, looking around, and then sitting back down)

Jimin: Seriously? That’s the easiest one!

Yoongi: It’s what I do best.

Finally, they settled down with some snacks and drinks, reminiscing about their favorite moments from the night.

Y/N: I don’t think I’ve laughed this hard in a long time.

Taehyung: We should do this more often. It’s a nice break from all the chaos.

Namjoon: Agreed. It’s good to have some fun and just relax with family.

Jin: Speaking of which, what’s our next plan? Another movie night? Maybe some cooking challenge?

Jungkook: How about a karaoke night? We can see who’s got the best pipes."

Y/N: Sounds like a plan. But for now, I’m just happy we had this time together."

Yoongi: Yeah, it’s nice to forget about everything else for a while..... and sleep

Everyone looked at Yoongi with a so done face

Hoseok: And remember, Namjoon promised us dinner tomorrow, so we have that to look forward to.

Namjoon: I did, didn’t I? Alright, but I’m picking the place.

As the night drew to a close, they cleaned up the mess of games and snacks, each of them feeling a little lighter, a little closer.

The laughter and camaraderie they shared reinforced the bond that held them together, stronger than blood, built on trust, love, and shared moments of joy.

As Y/N headed to bed, she couldn't help but smile. She had found a family in these boys, a family that might have started with chaos but had grown into something solid and beautiful.

And as they planned for more fun nights ahead, she knew that no matter what came their way, they would face it together.


Sry for a short chapter... as I am really busy with school work and not getting any time to write

But I will try my best

Luv ya ♡

Byee <33

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