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~Tears are words that mouth can't say nor can the heart bear~

Previous chapter...

Slowly, we all sit around the dining table. Mom was sitting beside Mr. Kim that was in front of me. I was sitting between Jungkook and jin as there was no other seat left soon, everyone started with the dinner I was about to take some kimchi on my plate when my mother or Hitler 2.2 said something making me so done with her


I am literally so done with her. I am disappointed but not surprised with her stupid actions.

Mom - Y/N, honey, what are you doing? Don't you remember you have a deadly allergy from kimchi? *Secretly smirking*

A straight line. I never had allergy from Kenzie. I only have a deadly allergy from Peanuts.

Y/N - Oh my sweet mother, don't you remember? My allergy was cured a long ago.*Sarcastically*

Mom - Come on , Y/N , don't make me worried sweetheart! You know that I care for you right?

Yeah yeah..!

Y/N - Mom don't worry, nothing will happen

I said smirking. Mom was glaring at me But do I care? then that would be a straight no.looking on to my plate again? I took the first bite of my Kimchi

Uh, it's so good.... I don't know about other things, but I'm sure that the Kim's make wonderful kimchi, Maybe that's why it is called "kim"-"chi" ?

Whatever! After finishing my dinner, I glanced at my best watch It's 9:00 and that is making me wonder When are we even going home? I miss my room

Currently we are sitting in the living room, Mom and Mr.kim are talking about some things that I don't want to hear namjoon, Jin, Hoeseok and Yoongi were scrolling through their phones while jimin, Taehyung and jungkook were playing games playing games on their phones, based on there movement.. and about me? Well, I'm just getting bored. I was about to tell mom I was about to tell my mom to go home when I heard her saying

Mom - I should get Going now it's getting late

Mr.Kim - Sweetie, it's so dark outside. I think you both should stay here only

Nooooo! I Ain't staying here. I want to sleep in my bootiful room

Mom - Are you sure won't that be a problem?

I rolled my eyes really hard on that, as if she actually gives a fuck!

Mr.Kim - Nope! You're staying here and that's final. The maids will show you and Y/N your rooms

Wait, wait, wait. There is a big confusion over here, let me clear that

Y/N - Mr.Kim I'm not staying here. I'm going back home *cold*

Jimin's POV

What do she think of herself huh? I bet she is also a gold digger and it's just playing hard to get, after sometime. She will also show a true colour like she did


Right now I'm driving my bike and not gonna lie Mr.Kim is really something. I really had a really hard time, Convincing him that I will be safe at home.

I was driving slowly when suddenly I felt the car following me...


To be continued...:)

Are you all liking the story so far? Feel free to correct me or give me suggestions to make it better :)

Byeeee ♡

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