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~"Sometimes, it hurts to breathe."~

The soft glim of light was coming form the big artificial structures who were standing erect in the world outside. The faint lighting and the soft glow of the moon was giving an enhance to the view. At the very edge of the rooftop, a guy sat quietly, city light reflecting through his eyes. His Aura was Calm, somehow giving peace to the surrounding. But his mind was not exactly like his aura, his mind was full of thoughts, the one for whom he needed answers but can't find.

Y/n was standing at the door, her mind wondering who might that person, she was sure that it can't be an intruder as it was nearly impossible to pass the security of the mansion. Lost in her own world of thoughts, a voice snapped her out of her trance, bringing reality back to her.

??? - Not being able to sleep?

the voice was not deep, but it was rather soft and calming, but behind that voice was some kind of tiredness and sadness, a type that can't be explained in words. Pushing her mind a bit, it didn't took her long to realize the owner of the voice.

Y/n - No, what about you Jimin-shii?

Asking the other one, the latter took small steps, slowly making space for herself beside the soul who still seemed to be lost in the maze of his own mind

Jimin - Same.

Jimin said in a faint voice, which left the girl beside him wondering what has gotten into the cheerful soul of him.

Y/n - Is something wrong?

the female asked, worried about her brother, not bounded by blood but something more special than the blood itself.

Jimin - Y/n?

the guy whispered in a soft tone

Y/n - Hm?

Jimin - You already know that I am not a Kim right?

the older one said not glancing at the girl who was sitting beside him, his eyes were glued to the moon, he was starring at the moon, admiring its beauty. the female softly looked at him before make her eyes go back to the sky, she was starring at the stars, those tiny objects were trying their best the light up the dark parts of the world where the moon could not shine

Y/n - You are a Park right?

The girl looked at him expecting an answer, not a long one, but just a 'yes' or 'hmm' but all she did received was a nod, a light one, if you won't look carefully you might will not be able to see it.

Y/n - What do you know about the Park's Jimin hyung?

the older one glanced at her at the question the girl asked. making eye contact with her for 4 mini seconds before looking back at the moon. Shrugging his shoulders he began

Jimin - well, I don't know even a bit about my family, but I do know that there is no chance of me finding out either.

Y/n - Why is that so? maybe you can? how can you be so sure Jimin-shii?

She spoke trying to spark up some hope in the soul who was slowly getting eaten by darkness. but her lines weren't seem to work, the older one still didn't glanced at her, there was still no sign of hope in the eyes of the guy.

Jimin - The park is the 3rd biggest surname in Korea... which means over 4.1 million Koreans or 8.4% of the population share the surname park. Do you really think i can find my family in between 4.1 million people with the same surname as me?

He said slowly, trying his best to not lose the last hope left, but his mind being fillied with negative thoughts weren't helping either.

Y/n - Don't lose hope Jimin hyung. come with me, i wanna show you something


hii cherries

how are you all doing?

I [J]hope you all are doing great

anyways sry for a short chapter

byeeeeee <3

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