Chapter 1- his toy, her fate

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The sun casts its golden glow over this huge campus of Crestmont University, full of prestige. Lush green lawns stretched out beneath the sky, outlined with ancient oak trees holding centuries.

Students in designer attire walked effortlessly, their confident matchless and conversations painting a picture of privilege. From the manicured gardens to the ivy-covered walls, every corner of the campus gives an air of sophistication and elegance.

Amelia walks through Crestmont University, her steps purposeful and confident. She's dressed in a charcoal blazer, a crisp white blouse with formal navy pants which was the uniform. Her dark brown hair exactly matches her eyes dances in the gentle breeze, framing her face with a natural elegance.

In her hand, she carries a hard cover book, its caramel hue matching the warmth of her skin. The title of a book, "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu, is boldly printed on the cover. Despite its weight, Amelia carries it with ease, a representation of her strength and determination.

As she moves through the campus, her brown eyes sparkle. Each step she takes gives confidence, a silent proclamation of her determination to face any challenge that comes her way and above all live ger best campus days.

Little does she know, the reality of Crestmont University, a fateful encounter awaits that will test her revolituons like never before.


Dressed in a tailored charcoal blazer, crisp white shirt, and navy trousers, Aiden commands attention with his impeccable style and commanding presence. His dark hair is perfectly coiffed, framing his chiseled features with a touch of rebellious charm.

As he moves with his friends, their laughter and banter filling the air, Aiden's grey eyes flicker with a hint of mischief and intrigue. He carries himself with the ease of someone accustomed to being in the spotlight, his confidence unwavering in the face of the admiring gazes that follow his every move.

His coat was wrapped tightly around his perfectly built biceps adding charm to his 6 feet appearance.

She walks through the courtyard of Crestmont University, her gaze focused on the pages of a book in her hand. Lost in thought, she fails to notice the group of students approaching from the opposite direction until it's too late.

Suddenly, she collides with a solid figure, her book tumbling from her grasp and landing with a thud at Aiden's feet. Before she can react, Aiden steps forward, his foot landing right on the book, pinning it to the ground beneath his polished black shoe.

Aiden's grey eyes narrow as he takes in the scene, his friends exchanging knowing smirks behind him. Without missing a beat, he extends a hand to help Amelia to her feet, his voice smooth and confident as he speaks.

"Watch where you're going" he says, his tone tinged with amusement and irritation.

Amelia feels a surge of frustration as she watches Aiden's foot press down on her book, pinning it to the ground beneath his polished shoe. With a furrowed brow and a determined set to her jaw, she gathers her composure and meets Aiden's gaze head-on.

"Excuse me," she says, her voice firm but giving hint of underlying irritation. "Step your foot aside, that's my book."

Aiden's expression darkens slightly at the boldness of her request. He meets her eyes for a moment, his grey eyes narrowing with a hint of defiance, before he turns to his friends with a smirk.

"Looks like we've found our next toy," he says, his voice low and filled with a predatory aura.

As Aiden's smirk widens at his own remark, Amelia's eyes narrow. But before she can respond, Josh steps forward, his curly hair bouncing slightly with each step, his glasses set on the bridge of his nose.

"Come on, Aiden," Josh says with a playful grin, his voice carrying a hint of mischief. "You know we love a good challenge. Besides, it's not every day we come across someone who's not afraid to stand up to you."

Aiden's orbs flickers to Josh, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips. For them they were the kings and everyone else the subjects.

Amelia watches the exchange with a mixture of frustration and anger, her jaw clenched tight as she prepares herself for whatever comes next, keeping her guard high. In that moment, she realizes that she's not just facing Aiden - she's up against an entire kingdom of bullies, each one more cunning and manipulative than the last.

Amelia's frustration boils over as she watches Aiden's smirk, her anger fueling her actions. Without a moment's hesitation, she lifts her foot and stomps down hard on Aiden's foot, her defiant glare fixed on his face.

But to her surprise, Aiden's expression remains unchanged, his face a mask of indifference. There's no flinch, no reaction whatsoever. Confusion washes over Amelia as she realizes her action has had no effect on the apparently unshakeable bully before her.

Aiden's grey eyes dug deep into hers, his gaze fixed as he observes her up and down, with a mixture of amusement and calculation. Slowly, a cruel smile spreads across his lips, sending a chill down Amelia's spine.

Before she can react, Aiden's hand shoots out, grabbing her wrist with a grip like steel. His voice is low and menacing as he leans in close, his breath hot against her ear.

"You made a big mistake," he murmurs, his tone dripping with malice. "But don't worry, I'll make sure you regret it."

With that, Aiden releases her wrist and turns away, his friends following with smirks of their own. Left standing alone in the way, Amelia's heart pounds with a mixture of irritation and anxiety, knowing that she's just crossed paths with some psychopaths.

Amelia's heart races with a mixture of uncertainty as she bends down to pick up her book, her hands trembling slightly. Just as she's about to grab it, a girl with two green streaks in her hair approaches, her chubby frame exuding a sense of quiet confidence.

"Hey there," the girl says softly, offering Amelia a sympathetic smile. "I saw what happened with Aiden and his friends. You should be careful around them."

Amelia's eyes widen in surprise as the girl continues, her voice low and serious. "Aiden, Josh, and their friends - they're not people you want to mess with. Trust me, I've seen it all before."

She pauses, her gaze flickering to Aiden and his friends before returning to Amelia. "My name's Rose, by the way. Just stick to yourself and try to stay away from them. It's the safest way to survive around here."

Amelia nods, her stomach churning with unease at Rose's words. Despite her initial confidence, she can't help but feel a sense of vulnerability in the face of Aiden's dominance.

"Thank you so much Rose I'm glad I met you." Amelia said trying to overcome the fear. In return Rose smiled at her.

"Listen," Rose says in a hushed tone, her green-streaked hair framing her face as she leans in closer. "Whatever you do, don't catch Aiden's attention. Trust me, if he notices you, your life here could become a living hell."

Amelia's eyes widen at the girl's warning, her heart pounding in her chest as she takes in the gravity of her words. She nods slowly, her mind racing with the implications of what she has just been told.

"Got it," she murmurs, her voice barely above a whisper. "Thanks for the help."

With a final nod, the girl gives Amelia a reassuring smile before melting back into the crowd. Left alone once more, Amelia can't shake the feeling of dread that settles over her. She knows now that  Crestmont University won't be as easy as she thought, especially with Aiden and his friends looming like shadows over her every move.

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