Chapter 17

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Amelia's POV

I am still trying to process what he said. The words swirl in my mind, confusing and slippery. I can't even recognize the language properly. That's how bad I am at languages. The more I try to grasp at the sounds, the more they escape me, like trying to catch smoke with my bare hands.

Aiden goes away, his back turned to me without a second glance, leaving me alone in the suffocating silence. He doesn't give any explanation, doesn't offer a hint or a clue. I'm left standing there, my thoughts a tangled mess. Just one sentence. That's all he left me with, a single sentence that I can't even remember anymore.

Why would he do this? Why say something incomprehensible and then walk away? I stare at the empty space he occupied moments ago, searching for answers in the void. My chest tightens with frustration and confusion, the weight of his departure pressing down on me.

I try to recall his tone, his expression, anything that might give me a clue. But it's all a blur, a hazy memory already slipping through my fingers. I'm left with nothing but questions, a puzzle missing too many pieces.

I sigh, feeling a mix of anger and helplessness. Maybe the words will come back to me later, or maybe they won't. For now, all I can do is stand here, lost and bewildered, wondering what Aiden meant and why he left me with nothing but a riddle I can't solve.


My friends and I were sitting in the cafeteria after classes, our conversations weaving through the usual daily life topics and the upcoming business proposal. The air buzzed with a mix of excitement and anticipation as we discussed our plans, each of us contributing ideas and suggestions.

The hum of conversation and the clatter of trays was creating a familiar backdrop. We were immersed in our discussions, talking about daily life and the plans we had for the upcoming business proposal. Each of us had ideas to share, our excitement evident in our animated gestures and quick exchanges.

Rosa, always the fashion enthusiast, steered the conversation towards her favorite topic. "Have you guys seen the latest collection from Marcella D'Arte?" she asked, her eyes lighting up. "It's absolutely stunning. The way she uses textures and colors this season is just incredible."

I shook my head, intrigued. "I haven't seen it yet. What's different about it?"

Rosa launched into a passionate explanation. "She's incorporated a lot of bold patterns and intricate embroidery, but what really stands out are the silhouettes. They're so modern and yet have this timeless elegance. There's this one dress, a deep emerald green with gold accents it's like something out of a dream."

As she spoke, her enthusiasm was contagious. Even those of us who weren't as deeply into fashion as she was couldn't help but be drawn into her excitement. "Sounds like she's really outdone herself this time," Maya commented, nodding appreciatively.

"Yes! And the accessories," Rosa continued, "they're perfect. It's like she thought of everything. The whole collection feels so cohesive. I'm definitely going to try and get my hands on a piece or two."

Amidst the chatter, my phone dinged. I glanced at the screen, seeing Aiden's name flash across it. He had sent me a message. Curiosity piqued, I opened it quickly. Aiden was calling me to the library so we could start the project officially.

I felt a rush of eagerness and a hint of nervousness. This was the moment we'd been preparing for, and now it was time to put our plans into action. I looked up at my friends, their faces reflecting the same determination I felt.

"Aiden just messaged," I announced. "He's waiting in the library to start the project."

The energy around the table shifted, our casual conversation now charged with purpose. I gathered my things, my mind already shifting gears from relaxed discussion to focused planning. As I stood up, my friends offered words of encouragement, their support a comforting presence.

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