Chapter 22

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Amelia's POV

I stepped into the university, the familiar buzz of activity surrounding me. Students rushed past, their faces a mix of determination and anxiety as they headed to their classes. I spotted France, Maya, and Rose waiting by the entrance, their excitement palpable as they chatted animatedly.

"Hey, guys," I called out, making my way over to them.

"Amelia!" Maya exclaimed, her eyes sparkling. "Can you believe the competition is finally here? We're so excited to show our project!"

France nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah, we've been working so hard on our proposal. It's going to blow everyone away."

Rose turned to me, her expression a mix of curiosity and concern. "How are your preparations going, Amelia?"

Guilt gnawed at my heart, but I forced a smile. "Let's see how it goes," I said, trying to sound upbeat.

They all nodded, their excitement undimmed. We began to discuss our projects, their ideas, and our hopes for the competition. Despite the guilt lurking beneath the surface, I couldn't help but feel a spark of anticipation for what lay ahead.


We were all in our new uniforms, crisp and pristine, ready for the big day. The grand hallway leading to the main auditorium was buzzing with energy. The usual chairs were replaced with desks, each adorned with detailed files of our business proposals, marked by group numbers. Ours was 19A: me and Aiden.

I hadn't seen Aiden yet, but as I arranged the final touches on our display, I suddenly felt a shift in the room's energy. Looking up, I saw him entering the hallway with that signature air of dominance, his friends trailing behind him. His hands were casually tucked in his pockets as he strode toward me. Wait. He was coming straight to me. And he was smiling. Aiden, smiling. This was surreal.

"You know, Amelia," he began, his voice calm but firm, "there have been a lot of complexities in our relationship. From the day you entered, we've been entangled in this mess of hatred, but here we are, making a project together. And I'm confident it's a great one. We will impress the judges."

Guilt twisted in my stomach, but I fought it down. Why should I feel guilty? He was the one who did all the bad things. I deserved to take at least one revenge for everything he put me through.

"I have to say something," Aiden continued, his tone suddenly serious. "Something very important. Something I've wanted to say for a long time."

I looked at him, puzzled. "What?"

"I'll tell you after the competition," he replied.

"No, wait," I almost shouted, my curiosity piqued. "I need to know now. Otherwise, my stomach is going to hurt from the suspense. So, don't make me wait."

He shook his head, a small, enigmatic smile playing on his lips. "After the competition, as I said."

I sighed, frustration bubbling up inside me. What I'm planning to do... he won't even want to see my face after that. So, whatever he has to say, I probably won't get to hear it.

Aiden was still smiling. Seeing him smile was like witnessing the moon and the sun together-an impossible rarity. I looked at him once more, bewildered. "Why are you smiling?"

He raised an eyebrow. "And now you have a problem with me smiling?"

I frowned, mimicking his expression. "I mean, it's not you. I feel like I'm standing with someone else because Aiden smiling are totally two different things."

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