Chapter 29

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Amelia's POV

I stood among the swirling crowd, my heart racing as I scanned the faces in the grand hall. The soft, flowing fabric of my royal blue gown draped around me elegantly, its intricate lace catching the light in shimmering waves. Tonight was supposed to be perfect, the outcome of great planning and excitement shared with Rose and Maya at my house earlier.

The chaos of getting ready had been both exciting and nerve-wracking. Rose, always meticulous, took her time with the makeup and hair products, causing us to run late. I hurried through the final touches, barely glancing at myself in the mirror before rushing out the door. Rose was wearing a deep red frock going perfectly with her name and features while Maya wore a black gown that added charm to her beauty.Maya's choice of attire spoke volumes about her personality, infusing the evening with her unique blend of creativity and charm.

Now, in the festivities, my eyes unexpectedly met Aiden's across the room. His gaze was intense, already locked onto mine. I couldn't help but wonder why, out of all the people here, his eyes sought me out. Memories flooded back to that night when he had unexpectedly knelt before me, his apology echoing through the stunned silence of the gathered crowd.

Since that evening, thoughts of Aiden had stayed with me, a constant presence in my mind no matter the time of day. His sincerity had left an unexpected mark, stirring emotions and questions I hadn't been prepared to face. As music filled the air and laughter mingled with conversation, I found myself lost in reflection.

Despite my efforts to move forward, Aiden's apology remained a poignant memory, woven into the fabric of my daily life. Standing there, I couldn't help but wonder what tonight might bring—closure, perhaps, or the beginning of something more complicated between us.

As the evening unfolded, I decided to push thoughts of Aiden aside and focus on enjoying the prom with Rose and Maya. We strolled through the elegant venue, soaking in the atmosphere and sampling the assortment of drinks and treats available.

France hadn't arrived yet, so it was just the three of us catching up and discussing the upcoming dance at the end of the prom. The excitement of dancing with someone special buzzed around us, and we couldn't resist speculating on who our partners might be.

"So Maya, are you planning to dance with France?" I asked, glancing at Maya with a playful smile.

"Definitely," Maya replied with a grin. "He promised he'd make it in time for the dance."

I chuckled at Maya's confidence and then turned to Rose, who seemed deep in thought. "What about you, Rose? Have you decided who you'll dance with?"

Rose hesitated, her expression hinting at nerves despite her attempt to stay composed. "I think I'll go with Jason," she finally said, her voice uncertain.

I noticed Rose's hesitation and the subtle signs of anxiety in her eyes. Wanting to reassure her, I spoke gently. "If dancing with Jason doesn't feel right for you, Rose, it's totally fine," I said, offering her an understanding smile. "You don't have to dance with him if you're not comfortable."

Rose visibly relaxed at my words, a flicker of relief crossing her face. "Thank you, Amelia," she murmured gratefully. "I appreciate that."

With the tension eased, Rose joined Maya and me in exploring more of the prom festivities. We shared laughter, reminisced about past proms, and bonded over our excitement for the night ahead. Each moment felt more special as we strengthened our friendship, ready to face whatever the evening brought together.

As the evening unfolded, we found ourselves swept up in the lively ambiance of the prom. The music pulsed through the venue, mingling with the sounds of laughter and chatter as we navigated the crowded dance floor.

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