Chapter 16

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As I sat across from Aiden at the dinner table, his imposing presence seemed to fill the room, casting a shadow over our conversation. His dominant demeanor sent a shiver down my spine, and I couldn't help but feel a knot of tension forming in the pit of my stomach.

"Why did you do that to France?" I asked, my voice tinged with frustration and confusion. "What was the point?"

Aiden's response was infuriatingly nonchalant, his dismissive tone only serving to fuel my irritation. "I was bored," he said with a shrug, as if it were the most natural thing in the world. "I wanted to entertain myself."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. How could he treat someone's feelings so callously, as if they were nothing more than a game to pass the time? The casual cruelty in his words made my blood boil, but I forced myself to stay calm, unwilling to let him see how much his actions had affected me.

"You are a freak!" I stated.

"Praise me later let's discuss our project." Aiden responded.

"Wait! did they this close the details?" When did that happen?

"Oh well if you could drag your attention away from that France you would know regard the email an hour ago." Aiden said with a serious face looking directly into my eyes. 

"Whatever." I couldn't help but roll my eyes. 

"You roll your eyes again and again maybe you will find your brain." Aiden's Remark was enough to feel the urge to make his nose bleed.

"You can kill me later let's discuss our project first." Aiden added, clearly reading my thoughts.

As we delved into our discussion about the upcoming business project, I couldn't help but admire Aiden's sharp intellect and innovative thinking. His suggestions were bold and forward-thinking, pushing the boundaries of what I had previously considered.

"What if we approached it from this angle?" Aiden suggested, his voice confident and persuasive as he outlined his idea.

I nodded, intrigued by his proposal. "That's an interesting perspective," I replied, considering the implications of his suggestion. "But what if we also incorporated this element?" I added, offering my own input to further refine his idea.

Aiden listened attentively, nodding in agreement as I elaborated on my suggestion. "I see what you're saying," he acknowledged, a hint of excitement in his voice. "That could work really well in conjunction with my idea."

As we continued to exchange ideas and strategies, a sense of collaboration blossomed between us. Despite our competitive nature, there was an undeniable synergy in our partnership, each of us pushing the other to new heights of creativity and innovation.

By the end of our discussion, I felt a surge of excitement for the project ahead ignoring the fact that it's with Aiden. However I was confident that we could create something truly remarkable.

"And I didn't forget what you did with France." Last words of tonight must be my me, for me.


The next day, just as I was settling into my morning routine, my phone buzzed with a message from Aiden. "I'm coming to pick you up in 10 minutes," it read, the words sending a jolt of surprise through me.

"What?" I exclaimed aloud, staring at the screen in disbelief. Aiden was coming to pick me up? Without any prior warning or explanation?

Quickly composing myself, I typed out a response. "Why are you coming to pick me up?" I demanded, my fingers flying over the keyboard as I tried to make sense of his sudden decision.

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