Chapter 7- Trapped

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As I made my way through the bustling crowd, the cheers and chants of victory filled the air, a stark contrast to the inner swirling within me.Our university's football team won the final of the city. And guess who's the captain of the team? Aiden, the very person who had inflicted so much pain and humiliation upon me, stood at the center of it all.

Watching him revel in the glory of his achievements, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of resentment. How could someone so cruel also be so good at everything? It seemed unjust, unfair even, that someone like Aiden could excel at everything he put his mind to, while others struggled in his wake.

But as I stood there, amidst the jubilant celebration, a steely determination took hold within me. If Aiden could rise to the top despite his flaws, then surely I could do the same, armed with my own strengths and resilience. With a newfound resolve, I squared my shoulders and set my sights on carving out my own path to success, one that didn't depend on the approval or validation of others.

Ignoring all this and people celebrating his facade I move towards the class. Rose joins me from behind and we enter the class discussing random things.

As I sit on my seat I can't wait to see the moment when teacher plays the audio and Aiden's nerve get between my fingers.

The teacher entered the classroom with an air of authority, I could feel the tension in the room rise. My heart raced with anticipation, knowing that the moment of revelation was at hand. Would the teacher acknowledge the audio file I had submitted as evidence of Aiden's wrongdoing?

With each passing second, my anxiety mounted as the teacher distributed the assignments with a stoic expression, betraying no hint of emotion. My hopes wavered as I scanned the room, searching for any sign that she had received the audio file. But to my dismay, there was no reaction, no acknowledgment of the role it played in exposing Aiden's actions.

As the assignments were distributed and the class settled into a tense silence, my disappointment threatened to overwhelm me. It seemed as though my efforts had been in vain, and Aiden would once again escape consequences for his actions.

However, just as I began to resign myself to this bitter truth, the teacher's next words shattered the stillness of the room. With a strict tone, she called Aiden's name and instructed him to report to the principal's office immediately.

A surge of victory coursed through me as I watched Aiden's expression darken with apprehension. While the teacher's reaction may not have been as dramatic as I had hoped, it was clear that she was taking the matter seriously and holding Aiden accountable for his behavior.

As Aiden made his way out of the classroom, I couldn't suppress a small smile, knowing that my actions had set in motion a chain of events that would hold him to account for his actions.


As the minutes stretched into an hour and Aiden failed to return to the classroom, a sense of anticipation hung heavy in the air. Whispers rippled through the class like a wave, each student speculating on the reason for Aiden's prolonged absence. It was unheard of for him to miss class, let alone receive detention – a fact that only fueled the curiosity of his classmates.

I couldn't help but notice the puzzled expression on Rose's face, her brows furrowed in confusion as she voiced her thoughts aloud. "How could this happen?" she mused, her words tinged with uncertainty. It was clear that she, like many others, was struggling to make sense of Aiden's sudden fall from grace.

Meanwhile, I remained silent, my thoughts consumed by a mix of apprehension and satisfaction. While part of me wax satisfied at Aiden's detention, another part couldn't shake the nagging feeling of unease. 

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