Chapter 23

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Aiden's POV

My face remained unreadable as I stared at Amelia. "You think this is a game?"She shrugged, a defiant smile curling at the corners of her lips.

"Isn't that what you always say? That life is just a game, and we're all players? Well, congratulations, Aiden. You just met your match.""You think you've won?" I spat, my breath hot against her face. "You think this is over?"

She met my gaze with steely determination, her heart pounding visibly in her chest. "It's only just begun," she replied, her voice a whispered promise. "And this time, I'm playing for keeps."

Her words echoed in my mind, clashing violently with the apology I had rehearsed, the moment of vulnerability I had prepared myself for. I had never apologized to anyone in my entire life, and she was supposed to be the first. For weeks, I had been planning to make things right, to admit my faults and ask for her forgiveness in front of everyone after the competition. But now, everything had changed.

Without another word, I walked away, my footsteps echoing in the empty hallway, leaving Amelia behind. The plan I had crafted so meticulously now lay in ruins.

As I stepped out of the hallway, the cold air hit me, a stark contrast to the heat of my anger and frustration. I couldn't let her see the effect she had on me. I couldn't let anyone see. This wasn't over. Not by a long shot. But the game had just changed, and I needed to adapt.

I reached my black Bugatti, the sleek car reflecting my dark mood. Sliding into the driver's seat, I gripped the steering wheel tightly, my knuckles turning white. The engine roared to life, a powerful sound that matched the chaos in my mind.

I sped down the road, the car's engine purring as it ate up the asphalt. The world outside became a blur, my focus narrowing to the task of driving. The adrenaline surged through me, but my thoughts remained sharp and cold. I had to regroup, reassess, and come back stronger. Because this time, I was playing for keeps too.

As I sped down the highway in my black Bugatti, the events of the day replayed in my mind like a broken record. Crestmont University, with its ivy-covered walls and privileged atmosphere, seemed worlds away now. Yet, Amelia's image lingered, refusing to fade into the background like I wished it would.

The first time I saw her, she was just another face in the crowd-a girl with a book, unaware of the world around her. Ordinary, like everyone else. But our second encounter, the one in the classroom changed something. She defied me, stood her ground in a way no one else dared. It intrigued me, annoyed me even.

That night, though... that was unexpected. I found myself thinking about her, her determination etched into my mind like a puzzle I couldn't solve. It was absurd, really. We were strangers, barely exchanging more than a few words.

I thought it was the thrill of defiance. A challenge to my authority, nothing more. But as the days passed, her image persisted, refusing to be dismissed. There was something about her resilience, her refusal to back down, that unnerved me. It was more than defiance-it was a spark that ignited something deep within me, something I couldn't quite name.

Driving faster, the wind whipping through my hair, I couldn't escape the realization that Amelia had burrowed under my skin. The more I tried to push her away, the clearer it became. And as much as I hated to admit it, there was a part of me that wanted to unravel the mystery she presented.

But for now, the roar of the engine drowned out my thoughts, and I focused on the road ahead. Crestmont University and its intrigues would have to wait. Amelia had stirred something inside me, something I wasn't sure I was ready to confront.

Choosing to team up with Amelia for our business project wasn't merely a strategic move-it was a quest for self-discovery. I found myself inexplicably drawn to her, intrigued by the way she defied my expectations and challenged my assumptions. She wasn't just another face in the crowd; she was a puzzle I couldn't quite solve, a mystery that demanded unraveling.

Amelia represented something more than just a project partner. She was a mirror reflecting parts of myself I hadn't dared to explore-emotions, vulnerabilities, desires I had long buried beneath a facade of indifference. Her presence stirred a curiosity within me, a hunger to understand not only her but also myself.

"This business project," I mused, my grip tightening on the steering wheel as I navigated the winding roads. "I could handle it on my own, secure a victory without breaking a sweat. But with Amelia, it's different. It's about more than just winning."

As the miles passed beneath my car, the resolve hardened within me. Today was not just about completing a project; it was about peeling back the layers of my own emotions and confronting the truths that lay beneath.

I had it all planned out-every detail, every gesture to win her trust and make things right. But before I could even make a move, she unleashed her own war, tearing down everything I had hoped to rebuild.

I wanted to erase the past, but now she's under my skin, a constant presence in my thoughts. And despite everything, I can't bring myself to let her go.

The road stretched on, each passing mile bringing me closer to the reckoning that awaited. I knew one thing for certain: the fragile balance I had hoped to achieve with Amelia had been shattered, and I was left with shattered plans.

The buzz of my phone dragged me out of my thoughts. It was... Josh. I ignored the call and muted it, but here it goes again. I know Josh. He's too clingy and won't stop. Frustratedly, I picked up the call.

"What is it?" I asked coldly.

Josh faked his heart-brokenness and said, "Here I am worrying about you and your pretty competition, and you respond to me with such coldness."

I mentally rolled my eyes. Josh and his tantrums. "I'm on my way home. Don't disturb," I said, ready to drop the call.

But he persisted. "Bro, your competition is literally not ended, and you're not responding to any texts. Where are you? The competition you've been working on for so long? You have literally disappeared out of the blue. What is this behavior?"

"And who's demanding you tax for my disappearance?" I asked, my voice dripping with annoyance.

Josh replied with an exaggerated hurt, "I'm literally being such a nice friend, trying to solve your problems. Do you know how many calls I've made today? I'm practically a switchboard operator! And let's not even talk about the number of texts. My thumbs are going to need physical therapy."

I couldn't help but roll my eyes, "Don't," I cut him off firmly.

Josh, ineffective, continued, "Seriously, man, you're like a ghost. You vanish and expect me not to worry? What if you were kidnapped by aliens or something? I'm just trying to be the Watson to your Holmes, the Robin to your Batman, the-"

I dropped the call mid-sentence, cutting off his rambling. I don't have the energy to deal with more. Amelia already sucked all the energy out of me.

But of course, the silence was short-lived. My phone buzzed again almost immediately with a text from Josh: "You know, ignoring me won't make me go away. I'm like a bad penny, always turning up. Or maybe more like a devoted puppy. Yeah, let's go with that. Woof!"

I sighed deeply, rubbing my temples. Josh's antics were endless, his relentless chatter was the last thing I needed right now.

Another sound, another text: "Hey, do you think Amelia likes puppies? Maybe that's the key to winning her over. A puppy! Or a kitten. People love kittens."

Without hesitation, I dialed Josh's number, my voice cutting through the quiet of the car. "Don't you dare to go near her," I growled as soon as he picked up.

Josh's chuckle on the other end only stoked the fire burning inside me. "I know my friend and how to get him to call me," he replied, his amusement unmistakable.

I clenched my jaw, fighting to keep my temper in check as Josh's teasing continued. " jokes on you," he added with a taunting tone.

"Cut it out, Josh," I snapped, my hands tightening on the steering wheel. "Stay away from her."

Josh's response was casual, almost dismissive. "Relax, buddy. I'm just messing around. No need to get all worked up," he reassured, oblivious to the storm he had stirred in me.

Amelia had managed to get under my skin in a way that unsettled and intrigued me and now there's no going back.

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