Chapter 21

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Amelia's POV 

I felt a prickling sensation of unease creeping up my spine, but I shrugged it off. The grand hall, with its towering ceilings and gleaming chandeliers, beckoned me to let go of my worries and immerse myself in the vibrant energy of the party. I glanced at Maya, whose eyes were wide with excitement, and smiled. This was a night to enjoy, not to fret over shadows and whispers.

"Come on, Maya!" I called over the booming music, grabbing her hand. Maya's laughter mixed with the pulsating rhythm, creating a heady mix that fueled my determination to seize the night. We dashed through the throng of revelers, our feet barely touching the polished marble floors as we navigated the maze of opulent corridors.

The grand hallways seemed endless, each turn revealing new clusters of partygoers, more extravagant decorations, and the constant, infectious beat of the music. I felt a surge of exhilaration, my earlier unease melting away with every step. We weaved through the crowd, our path illuminated by the vibrant lights dancing across the walls.

As we finally burst into the main ballroom, I took a moment to catch my breath, my eyes sparkling with anticipation. The room was fupl of colors and movement, a testament to the grandeur and excess of the evening. I looked at Maya, who was beaming with joy, and felt a rush of gratitude for this moment, this night, and the promise of unforgettable memories.

The music throbbed through the grand ballroom, a symphony of beats that matched the pulse of the crowd. The lights flashed and spun, casting vibrant colors across the sea of dancers. I felt a thrill of excitement coursing through me as I moved with the rhythm, my earlier unease now a distant memory. Maya was beside me, her laughter and joy infectious, and for a while, I let myself get lost in the moment.

But even as I moved, my eyes scanned the room, searching for Rose. The crowd was thick, faces blending together in the dim light, but I couldn't help but look. She had said she would be here, and I felt a pang of concern at her absence. My ears strained to catch any snippet of conversation that might hint at her whereabouts, but all I heard was the laughter and chatter of strangers.

"Maya, have you seen Rose?" I asked, leaning in close to make myself heard over the music.

Maya shook her head, her smile faltering slightly. "Not yet, but I'm sure she'll show up. Let's keep looking."

We moved through the crowd, the vibrant energy around us only heightening my anticipation. Each room we entered was filled with people, each face a potential glimpse of Rose. My heart raced not just from the excitement of the party but from the nagging worry that something was wrong.

As we circled back to the main ballroom, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned quickly, hoping to see Rose, but it was just another partygoer, offering a friendly smile before drifting away. I sighed, trying to push away the growing anxiety. I couldn't let it ruin the night.

But no matter how much I tried to focus on the party, a part of me was always waiting, always watching for Rose. The night felt incomplete without her, and I wouldn't rest until I knew she was safe and here with us.

Just as I was hearing Maya's clumsy story of how the dress she was planning to wear tonight couldn't be found in her closet full of clothes, so she ended up wearing it, and I was praising her for her choice, saying it looked fine, someone patted my back. I turned around to see Rose standing there with a smile on her face.

We greeted each other with a warm hug, and I asked her why she was so late. Rose sighed, rolling her eyes playfully. "Oh, you know, last-minute preparations."

"Rose," I said, my voice steady but urgent, "you were about to tell me something."

Rose took a deep breath, and I leaned in closer, listening carefully. Maya and France were equally attentive, their expressions serious despite the loud music pounding around us. We were all focused on Rose's words as she continued.

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