Chapter 28

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Madison's POV

The anticipation for the upcoming prom in our university was electric. The event, known for its lavish settings and high-profile attendees, was the talk of the entire university. For me, Madison, this was more than just a prom-it was a stage to assert my dominance and reclaim my social standing. As I sat in my room, surrounded by fashion magazines and mood boards, I meticulously planned every detail.

It's 10 am right now. Last night, exactly 12 hours ago Aiden humiliated himself just for that pitiful soul, Amelia. Her existence is unbearable day by day. I tried so hard to be close to Aiden and look she made him a puppet in just a few months.

I glanced at my reflection in the mirror, imagining myself in the perfect dress. It had to be stunning, unique-something that would make every head turn. My fingers drummed against my desk as I visualized the grand entrance I would make, the whispers of admiration following in my wake. But my plans went beyond just making a fashion statement.

Amelia. Her name echoed in my mind, fueling my resolve. She had somehow managed to steal the spotlight, to gather friends and admirers with her unassuming charm. But I knew her secrets, or at least, I could fabricate them convincingly enough to bring her down. This prom would be the perfect opportunity to execute my plan, to get what I want.

I leaned back, smirking at the thought. Aiden's protectiveness over Amelia was both his strength and his weakness. Even if he doesn't accept it I can see it clearly. I hate that look Aiden gives to Amelia as if she's the most precious moment. If I could manipulate him into believing that Amelia had a dark side, it would be the perfect revenge. My mind raced with ideas, finally settling on the perfect lie.

Grabbing my phone, I dialed the number of a skilled graphic designer I knew. "I need your help creating some convincing documents," I said, my voice steady with determination. "Something that suggests Amelia was involved in academic dishonesty. Make it look authentic. I'll send her details."

As I hung up, I felt a thrill of anticipation. Once I had these documents, I'd corner Aiden. His sense of honor and duty would compel him to act, and when he did, it would be his downfall. He'd have to make a public confession, tarnishing his own reputation to protect hers.

And when it all came crashing down, I'd be there, the victor standing among the ruins of their trust.


The day of the prom arrived sooner than I expected. The venue was breathtaking-grand chandeliers, elegant drapery, and tables laden with gourmet delicacies. I arrived early, ensuring that everything was in place. My dress, a dazzling creation of silver and sapphire, shimmered under the lights, drawing envious glances as I moved through the crowd.

I spotted Aiden near the entrance, looking as formidable as ever in his tailored suit. Perfect. With a confident stride, I approached him, clutching a folder of fabricated evidence.

"Aiden, we need to talk," I said, my voice low but urgent.

He looked at me with suspicion, but there was no turning back now. I handed him the folder, watching his expression change from boredom to shock.

"This is about Amelia," I continued, my tone making it confident as ever. "I didn't want to believe it either, but the evidence is clear. She's been cheating her way through school. I thought you should know before it becomes a scandal."

Aiden's eyes darkened with a mix of anger and disbelief. "Why are you telling me this?"

"Because I know you care about her," I replied smoothly. "And I thought you'd want to protect her. If this comes out, it will ruin her. She may be expelled, her goals will be snatched." The way she tried to snatch you, I tell myself mentally.

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