Chapter 2- Revenge

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Amelia's heart raced as she entered the classroom. To her surprise, Rose was already seating at a desk near the back of the room, her vibrant green-colored hair streaks tucked behind her ear. Their eyes met across the crowded classroom, and a smile tugged at the corners of Rose's lips as she motioned Amelia over.

Taking a seat beside Rose, Amelia felt a sense of relief wash over her. It was comforting to have a familiar face in the middle of so much uncertainty. As they exchanged greetings and caught up on each other's life, the sound of the classroom door opening caught their attention.

Amelia's breath caught in her throat as Aiden entered the room, followed by his group of friends. She couldn't deny the magnetic pull she felt towards him, even as her conscious mind warned her to proceed with caution. Their eyes met for a moment of recognition, a silent acknowledgment of the tension that bubbled up between them.

As the teacher began today's lesson, the atmosphere in the classroom shifted, tension crackling in the air like electricity. Aiden's presence seemed to cast a shadow over the room, over everyone, his alpha male aura felt even from across the room.

Amelia tried to focus on the lesson, but her thoughts kept going back to Aiden. His intense gaze bore into her, sending shivers down her spine as she struggled to maintain her composure. When he took a seat behind her, she could feel the weight of his gaze burning into her back, a silent challenge that dared her to look away.


As the final bell of the class rang, signaling the end of lecture, the students shifted in their seats, eager to move on to their next destination. The teacher gathered her belongings and exited the room.

The students exchanged murmured conversations and shuffled papers, some looking at Aiden and his friends with admiration, their attention divided between the clock ticking constantly on the wall and the door that remained stubbornly closed. Among them, Rose sat fixed in her seat, her eyes constantly on the desk in front of her as if afraid to look up.

Josh, a tall and strong figure, approached Rose with purpose, his presence casting a shadow over her trembling form. Despite her fear, Rose couldn't bring herself to meet his gaze, her hands clenching nervously in her lap.

Sensing Rose's discomfort, George, a friend seated nearby, nudged her gently and whispered words of encouragement. "Go on, Rose. Give him your seat," he urged, his voice filled with a mixture of concern and impatience.

Rose hesitated, torn between her fear of Josh and the pressure from her fellows. She glanced around the room, seeking in the familiar faces of her classmates, but found only uncertainty reflected back at her.

Amelia, sensing Rose's distress, rose from her seat without hesitation, her voice steady as she addressed Josh. "Here, you can have my seat," she offered, gesturing towards the vacant desk beside her.

Josh's eyes narrowed as he observed Amelia, his lips curling into a huge smirk. He exchanged a knowing glance with Aidan, who watched the exchange with silent amusement, his expression unreadable.

Amelia's heart raced as she met Josh's gaze, a moment of anxiety dancing in her eyes. She couldn't shake the feeling that something was fishy, that she had unwillingly stumbled into a web of secrets and lies.

As the tension in the room went high , Amelia prepared herself for whatever situation lay ahead.

With no other seat available, Amelia naturally settled into the desk beside Aiden. The air crackled with anticipation  of what was going to happen next.

As the minutes went by, the classroom was finally filled with the muted hum of conversation,some girls looking at Amelia with a hint of jealousy, the students were restless with anticipation. Aiden, his gaze fixed on the front of the room, seemed not bothered by the gossip around him, his aura giving an air of quiet confidence.

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