Chapter 3- His Kingdom

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Amelia walked through her front door, greeted by the warm familiarity of home. The comforting sights and sounds made her feel instantly at ease. Her mother’s welcoming smile greeted her, and her younger sister ran over, wrapping her in a tight hug. Despite the chaos of the day, being surrounded by her loved ones brought Amelia a sense of peace. She joined her mother and older sister Lily at the dining table for lunch.

"When will Dad be home?" Amelia asked as she scooped a spoonful of rice.

"He's been really busy at work lately; he might be late," her mother, Samantha, replied softly. "How was your day?" she inquired.

After exchanging pleasantries and catching up with her family, Amelia retreated to her room. She began her skincare routine, meticulously applying each product. No matter how exhausted she felt, she never compromised on this ritual. Skincare was as important to her as anything else. While she wasn’t a big fan of makeup, she was passionate about keeping her skin clean and healthy.

With her skin feeling refreshed, Amelia settled onto her bed, the soft hum of the fan providing a soothing backdrop. She wrapped herself in a cozy blanket and reached for her current read, *Fourth Wing*, losing herself in its pages. Immersed in the world of fiction, Amelia found an escape, letting her mind wander and explore new realms of imagination.

As the hours passed, Amelia felt her worries and stresses melt away, replaced by a sense of tranquility. Just then, a gentle knock on her door interrupted her, and she looked up to see her younger sister, Lily, peeking in with a mischievous grin.

"Hey, sis!" Lily chirped, bouncing into the room. "Mind if I hang out with you for a bit? I need a break from studying."

Amelia smiled warmly and gestured for her to sit on the bed. "You don’t need to ask."

Lily giggled and sat beside her. "How was your day?"

"It was good. School’s really motivating, but I met this guy, Aiden. He’s a bit of a jerk, and we’re not exactly getting along," Amelia shared, her voice tinged with frustration.

Lily raised an eyebrow, her curiosity piqued. "A jerk? Tell me more."

Amelia chuckled, shaking her head. "Maybe ‘jerk’ is too strong, but he’s really arrogant. He acts like he owns Crestmont University."

Lily groaned dramatically. "Not another one of those. What did he do?"

Amelia rolled her eyes. "He tried to pull a stunt in class, but I shut him down."

Lily nodded approvingly. "That’s my girl. Don’t let him push you around."

Amelia laughed, grateful for her sister’s unwavering support. "Thanks, Lily. You always know how to make me feel better."

The sisters shared a lighthearted moment, their laughter echoing through the room, reinforcing their bond.


The next day was bright and sunny as Amelia made her way through the university corridors, her mind buzzing with thoughts of the day ahead. Suddenly, she noticed a gathering of students up ahead and quickened her pace, driven by curiosity.

Pushing through the crowd, her eyes widened in shock at the scene before her. Aiden, towering over a boy, had just shoved him forcefully, causing him to stumble and fall. Before Amelia could react, Aiden’s foot came crashing down on the boy’s shoulder, pinning him to the ground. The boy struggled, but it was no use; Aiden’s foot seemed immovable.

A surge of anger coursed through Amelia. How could someone be so cruel, so heartless? Without a second thought, she stepped forward, her determination clear.

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