Chapter 11

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Amelia's POV

As I watched Maya cower under Aiden's gaze, a wave of anger and determination washed over me. I couldn't just stand by and let him continue to bully and intimidate her. With a fierce resolve, I turned to face Aiden, my eyes locked on his.

"Leave her alone, Aiden," I demanded, my voice firm and steady. "This is between you and me. Don't drag her into it."

Aiden's smirk grew wider, his eyes glinting with amusement. "Oh, Amelia," he said, his voice dripping with condescension. "You really are so clueless. Maya here knows exactly what's at stake. Don't you, Maya?"

Maya nodded, her eyes still downcast, and Aiden's grip on her hair tightened. I could see the fear and resignation in her eyes, and it only strengthened my resolve.

"Let her go, Aiden," I repeated, my voice rising. "Now."

Aiden chuckled, the sound sending a shiver down my spine. "Oh, Amelia," he said, his voice dripping with malice. "You really don't know when to quit, do you?"

With a sudden jerk, he yanked Maya to her feet, his grip on her hair unyielding. Maya's eyes met mine, filled with a silent apology, and I knew I had to act fast.

Without hesitation, I launched myself at Aiden, determined to free Maya from his grasp. But Aiden was too quick, too strong. He easily deflected my attack, his eyes flashing with anger.

"You really are a foolish girl, Amelia," he sneered, his voice dripping with contempt. "You think you can take on me? I'll show you what happens when you cross me."

I stood my ground, my heart racing with fear, but my determination unwavering. "I won't back down, Aiden," I spat, my voice firm. "I won't apologize for something I didn't do."

Aiden's smile grew wider, his eyes glinting with amusement. "Oh, but you will," he said, his voice dripping with confidence. "You'll beg for my forgiveness, Amelia. And you'll mean it."

I snarled, my anger and frustration boiling over. "Never!" I shouted, my fists clenched at my sides.

Aiden chuckled, his eyes never leaving mine. "We'll see about that," he said, his voice dripping with menace.

And with that, he reached out and grasped my arm, his grip like a vice. I tried to struggle, but he was too strong, too relentless. He dragged me across the cafeteria, his grip unyielding, until we reached the entrance.

And then, in a move that made my heart race with fear, he pushed me to my knees, his grip on my arm unyielding.

"Say it, Amelia," he growled, his voice low and menacing. "Say you're sorry."

I glared up at him, my eyes blazing with defiance. "No!" I spat, my voice firm.

Aiden's smile grew wider, his eyes glinting with triumph. "Oh, but you will," he said, his voice dripping with confidence. "You'll say it, Amelia. And you'll mean it."

And with that, he leaned down, his breath hot against my ear. "Because if you don't," he whispered, his voice dripping with menace, "I'll make sure everyone in this place knows that they can do whatever they want with your dear Maya and let me tell you they are not a softie unlike you and make her bleed if they desire."

My heart raced with fear, my mind racing with the implications. I knew Aiden was capable of it - he had done it before, I have heard the stories. And I knew I couldn't take the risk.

I close my eyes as I say those words slowly, "I'm sorry."

I feel like I'm being torn apart inside, every word of apology slicing through me like knives. It's humiliating, standing here in front of everyone, forced to say sorry to Aiden. It's not fair, it's not right. Why should I have to grovel like this? But I have no choice. It's like my heart is being stabbed over and over, and I can't do anything but endure it. This is the worst feeling ever, and I'll never forget how low I've been made.

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