Chapter 5- Plotting Destruction

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Amelia's POV

It was our sports class, and as we gathered around the swimming pool, I couldn't help but feel a pang of anxiety. The water seemed to mock me, its depths a source of endless dread. Rose, oblivious to my unease, stepped confidently into the pool, offering me her hand.

But I couldn't bring myself to accept her offer. With a heavy heart, I explained to Rose that I had a fear of water, a phobia that rendered me helpless in its presence. I watched as understanding dawned in her eyes, and she nodded sympathetically before continuing her swimming exercises.

As Rose glided effortlessly through the water, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of envy. While she embraced the pool with ease, I remained rooted to the spot, a silent observer of her skills. Despite my fear, I refused to let it consume me, opting instead to sit by the poolside, a silent spectator in my own personal battle against the water.

Madison appears out of nowhere, her presence sending a shiver down my spine. I've heard rumors about her, whispers of her ruthless nature and unforgiving demeanor. Now, she stands before me.

"You think you can escape with your disrespectful behavior?" Her words are like a chilling breeze, sending a wave of fear coursing through me. Before I can react, she moves closer, her intentions clear. She wants to push me into the pool, to force me to confront my greatest fear head-on.

My heart races with panic, the familiar grip of terror tightening around me. I feel a surge of adrenaline, my instincts screaming at me to flee. But just as Madison's hand reaches out to shove me, a sudden presence appears beside me.

It's Aiden.

For a moment, I can't believe my eyes. Aiden, the same person who tormented me just moments ago, now stands between me and Madison, his actions a stark contrast to his usual demeanor. Relief floods through me, mingled with shock and disbelief.

I watch in awe as Aiden confronts Madison, his authoritative tone leaving no room for argument. In that moment, I can't help but feel a glimmer of gratitude towards him. Despite everything, he's chosen to help me, to stand up for me when I needed it most.

As Madison backs away, defeated, I find myself feeling a strange sense of gratitude towards Aiden. Maybe, just maybe, he's not as bad as I thought. And in that moment, I can't help but feel a flicker of hope amidst the darkness.

Aiden's expression remains blank as he draws closer to me, his gaze piercing and unreadable. I feel a sense of unease creeping over me, a nagging feeling that something isn't right. But when he speaks, his voice is calm and composed.

"So, you're afraid of water," he observes, his tone devoid of emotion. I hesitate, unsure of how to respond. Despite his recent act of kindness, I can't shake the feeling that there's something sinister beneath the surface.

I nod, confirming his suspicions. Before I can comprehend what's happening, a smirk twists Aiden's lips, sending a chill down my spine. In an instant, the facade of kindness evaporates, replaced by a cruel amusement.

Without warning, Aiden forcefully shoves me into the pool, the shock of the cold water stealing my breath away. Panic grips me as I struggle to resurface, the water closing in around me like a suffocating embrace.

I gasp for air, my lungs burning with the effort. But Aiden shows no mercy, his eyes cold and indifferent as he watches me struggle. With each passing moment, my strength disappearing, my attempts to escape growing weaker by the second.

As I fight against the relentless pull of the water, Aiden's words echo in my mind, a chilling reminder of his cruelty. "Don't die yet," he taunts, his voice laced with malice. "I've got a lot in mind for you."

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