Chapter 8- Twisted

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Amelia's POV

The room enveloped me in suffocating darkness, blackness that seemed to swallow me whole. My heart thundered in my chest, each beat a drumming rhythm of fear as I strained to make sense of the situation.

The voice, cold and authoritative, echoed from one corner of the room, its words slicing through the oppressive silence like a knife. I couldn't see who was speaking but I recognize who it was and I hope I'm wrong, this can't be him, the sheer weight of their presence sent a shiver coursing down my spine.

As I stood there, frozen in place, a subtle movement stirred in another corner of the room. My senses heightened, every nerve on edge as I recoiled instinctively. The darkness seemed to press in on me, closing in like a predator stalking its prey.

From another corner of the room, a presence materialized—a large form with eyes that glowed like embers in the darkness. Its body exuded a predatory aura, its  frame coiled with a hungry anticipation that sent a shiver down my spine.

The air seemed to thicken with tension as the creature fixed its gaze upon me, its eyes gleaming with an hunger that made my blood run cold.

This is not a human but some other creatures and it feels like I'm dreaming because how is it possible that I am logged with an unseen creature I just really wish it's a dream or I will never go out of this room alive I know this.

Suddenly a small light lit in the room it was not enough to see things clearly as if i candle but it was sufficient for me to see that the creature standing in front of me is a black panther.

My mind raced with a terror unlike anything I had ever experienced before. The fear that had gripped me before now paled in comparison to the sheer dread coursing through my veins as I stared into the eyes of the creature before me.

My soul seemed to recoil within me, as if desperate to flee from the impending danger that loomed in the darkness. The presence of the real black panther, its powerful form illuminated by those haunting, glowing eyes, sent a chill down my spine that threatened to freeze me in place.

Locked in this room with the beast, I couldn't shake the horrifying image of being torn apart, my body rent limb from limb by the primal fury of this untamed predator. Every fiber of my being screamed for escape, but I was held captive by the suffocating weight of fear that pressed down upon me, trapping me in a nightmare from which I feared I would never awaken.

As my screams pierced the suffocating darkness, a sinister laughter filled the air, chilling me to the bone. The realization dawned on me with a sickening certainty – it was the same person who had locked me in this room, reveling in my terror like some twisted man pulling the strings of my fate.

Dread washed over me in icy waves as I prayed that my instincts were wrong, that this nightmare wasn't unfolding exactly as I feared. But deep down, I knew the truth – I was trapped in a deadly game with a predator who took pleasure in my fear, and there seemed to be no way out.

My mind raced with thoughts, each one more desperate than the last as I searched for a glimmer of hope amoung the suffocating darkness. But no matter how hard I fought against the rising tide of terror, I couldn't shake the feeling of impending doom that hung heavy in the air, threatening to consume me whole.

As the blinding light flooded the room, my eyes struggled to adjust, blinking rapidly against the sudden assault of brightness. When my vision finally cleared, I found myself in a room that was nothing short of grandeur, its furnishings and lavish décor overshadowed by the suffocating fear that gripped my heart.

Despite the majesty of the surroundings, there stood the one who had done this sinister act – Aiden. My instincts had been right all along, though I had desperately hoped otherwise. Here he was, the mastermind behind my torment, his presence looming over me like a dark cloud.

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