Chapter 18

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Amelia's POV

The first class was canceled, so we found ourselves sitting in the corner of the football ground, seeking refuge under the shadow of a large oak tree. France, Rose, Maya, and I were gathered in a circle, the early morning sun casting dappled light through the leaves.

Rose, leaning back against the bleachers, kicks off the conversation with a playful grin. "Alright, spill it, team. How's the competition prep going for everyone?"

France chuckles, stretching out his legs. "Rose and I have been diving deep into market research. We're trying to figure out what makes our target audience tick," he says, his tone lighthearted.

Maya nods, a mischievous twinkle in her eye. "Sounds like you two are on the right track. As for me and  Rayden, we've been brainstorming ideas like crazy. Trying to come up with something that'll really wow the judges," she adds, a hint of excitement in her voice.

Rose grins, leaning forward eagerly. "I love it! The more creative, the better. Amelia and Aiden are cooking up something interesting too, I bet," she says, her enthusiasm contagious.

"We've been brainstorming ideas for our business venture," Rose started, her voice filled with excitement. "We're thinking of launching a digital platform that connects local farmers with consumers, promoting sustainable agriculture and supporting small-scale farmers."France nodded in agreement, adding, "Our platform would allow consumers to directly purchase fresh, locally sourced produce while also providing farmers with a fair and transparent marketplace to sell their goods."Maya and I exchanged impressed looks, intrigued by their concept. "That sounds like a fantastic idea," Maya remarked, her interest piqued. "Have you considered how you'll scale the platform and attract both farmers and consumers?"Rose smiled, appreciating Maya's question. "Definitely," she replied. "We're planning to start small, focusing on building relationships with local farmers and gradually expanding our reach through targeted marketing and community outreach initiatives."

France chimed in, his expression thoughtful. "In addition, we're exploring the possibility of incorporating features like educational resources and virtual farm tours to engage consumers and foster a sense of connection to the food they're buying," he added, his ideas sparking enthusiasm.As they continued to share their vision for the business, Maya and I listened intently, offering feedback and suggestions along the way. It was clear that Rose and France were passionate about their idea and had thought carefully about its potential impact.

I was enjoying the conversation at the same time I couldn't shake the confusion and unease that had been gnawing at me since the disastrous dinner with France. Gathering my courage, I turned to him. "I'm so sorry, France. We never really had a proper conversation about what happened," I said, my voice tinged with regret. "I really want to make it up to you."

Rose and Maya, sitting across from us, exchanged puzzled glances, clearly unaware of the dinner incident. Trying to avoid unnecessary drama, I quickly explained, "France and I had dinner, but unfortunately, it got cut short. A dead plant situation," I added, hoping to gloss over the details.

France smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes. It was a bitter, almost resigned smile. "It's okay, Amelia. I understand," he said, though his tone suggested otherwise. After a moment, he continued, "But I can't help but notice something. Ever since the business competition started and you partnered with Aiden, it seems like you’re a bit too engrossed with him. Look at your life these days—it's all about you and Aiden. I thought you didn't like him."

His words stung, and I felt a defensive retort bubbling up, but I swallowed it down. "It's good that you're making new friends," France added, "but it's concerning that your interaction is with someone who caused you so much trouble."

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