Chapter 6- Confession and Control

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Amelia found herself reluctantly heading to the library to work on their class project with Aiden. Despite her apprehensions, she knew that completing the assignment was crucial.

Upon arriving at the library, Amelia and Aiden settled into a corner with their laptops and textbooks spread out before them. However, Amelia quickly realized that Aiden had no intention of working collaboratively. Instead, he began bossing her around, dictating what tasks she should focus on and how she should approach the project.

Despite her frustration, Amelia tried to maintain her composure and focus on the task at hand. Their project revolved around analyzing case studies of successful business ventures and identifying key strategies for achieving success in the competitive market. It required extensive research, critical analysis, and creative problem-solving skills, all of which Amelia wanted to work on.

As Aiden continued to micromanage their work, Amelia couldn't help but feel increasingly annoyed and undervalued. She gritted her teeth and forced herself to stay calm, reminding herself that she was capable of handling the project on her own if need be.

Amelia's POV

I couldn't believe how calmly Aiden was behaving, as if yesterday's incident hadn't even happened. It was like he didn't care at all about what he had done to me, about how he had almost drowned me. The audacity of it all made my blood boil with rage.

But despite the churning inside me, I forced myself to remain outwardly calm. I knew that losing my cool wouldn't help me achieve my goal of revenge. Instead, I needed to bide my time, to plan my comeback and execute it with precision.

As I sat across from Aiden, listening to him bark orders and assert his dominance, I couldn't help but feel a sense of grim determination wash over me. This wasn't over, not by a long shot. I would make him pay for what he had done, and I would do it in a way that left him regretting ever crossing me.

It was time to execute my plan.

I looked at Aiden, my voice steady but laced with accusation. "Do you have no shame? The coach knows what you did, yet he's covering for you. How can you live with yourself?"

His words sliced through the tension, his tone dripping with arrogance. "The coach is wise," he began, his voice laced with superiority, "unlike you. You better watch your step if you want to avoid any future consequences. Consider yourself lucky that I let the coach handle it."

I felt like slapping his face and knocking this arrogance out of him, but come on, Amelia, what he did deserves something more than just a slap.

It's 12:00 pm now. As we wrap up our work, ask me how hard it was to tolerate him, all thanks to my patience. We had to submit our assignment online, and I tell Aiden that I will do that. He had to play football, so he let me.

With a sense of satisfaction bubbling within me, I meticulously submit the assignment, ensuring to attach an audio file. In that file lies the key to my revenge—a damning confession from Aiden himself, admitting to his malicious act of trying to drown me. It's a small victory, but it fills me with a sense of empowerment, knowing that I've outsmarted him and turned the tables in my favor. And the series of my revenge begins.

I just can't wait for tomorrow when the teacher will discuss the assignments in class along with the audio I sent.


As I was packing my bag and laptop, Rose bounded over to me, her face beaming with excitement. She twirled a strand of her hair around her finger, a habit she had when she was particularly thrilled about something. "Hey, Amelia!" she exclaimed, her voice brimming with energy. "I was just thinking of grabbing a snack at the cafeteria. Wanna join?"

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